11 Home Remedies for Great Sex - ladies sex toys

The most important thing about good sex is related to a person's mentality.
So, if you want to increase the interest of your partner, you need to let them remember the award.
That doesn't mean that you have to play porn in each DVD player, or wear a lining or a French maid --
This has always been the case.
It just means being more aware of what's in front of you and how sexy these things are.
This is all about the power of advice.
This is not a serious question.
In fact, it is the opposite.
It's about being stupid, keeping it light in weight and occasionally reducing the weight of sex.
After all, it should be interesting.
Having a secret or secret language is also a sexy part.
If you are cunning about it, no one will be wiser about what you and your partner are doing.
So there are 11 things here that can help keep you in the mood-you will find them in your own house: 1.
Pepper Mill-remember the "Sex and City" episode when the waiter came to the table with a big pepper mill, just as the girls discussed the size of a parcel of their loved one?
Why not give your partner one or two hot things with a smile?
Believe me, they will make the information clear. 2.
Olive oil-topped.
Dip in the soft and warm bread inside.
Lick your finger.
Have some serious eye contact
Your partner may smirk or shake your head at you.
But they will still know what you're doing. 3.
Lotion-the warm sudsy water is very sexy, especially before any dirty plate touches the basin, the hand touches below.
Ask your partner to check the temperature for you and then hit his or her hand below.
A short hand massage, provided with a sly look, you will soon have your partner in the bubble. 4.
Column-you don't have to swing it up and down or anything.
But putting your back on it, holding it on both sides behind you, and then slowly putting your hand back on your side will bring up all kinds of pictures, show your pole boss. 5.
Hammock-this one is easy.
Lying inside and in the rocks.
Seeing that you are sure to make your partner want to be with you, this action may inspire a little swing in the later bedroom. 6.
Wooden spoon or ruler-slap your palm a few times with it and give your partner a stern but funny look.
Maybe in the future will even whisper the promise of punishment for not helping with the housework.
He or she will hold this position before you know it. 7.
Music-play songs that you have had sex in the past, or songs with lyrics that contain dual themes.
Even if the kids are nearby, they don't know what you're doing.
But your partner will definitely know the rhythm that night. 8.
Tie-hang it on the door handle in the bedroom as a private code for what will happen later on.
Then tie your partner to the bed with it.
Every time she sees you reaching out for that tie-or any other tie-she will definitely have some really interesting flashback. 9.
Twister and (any other game)-they are completely innocent when the kids play.
But when you play with your lover, they don't have.
Play Scrabble with new rules-only swearing is allowed. 10.
Slip-put it in the backyard and slide it down together when the kids get off at a friend's house.
No kids?
When you buy one, no one will ask.
Put it in your mom. in-
When she came, the law was not visible. 11.
Pens and paper-these are probably the sexiest items in your home.
Put her notes in her briefcase.
Put a note on the driver's seat of his car.
Write your evil wishes on paper and put them in a small box where your partner can go and find inspiration.
Sometimes it is difficult to express things in words.
However, paper and pen can make your needs easy to understand!
It all has to do with the obvious things you hide in the house, and also with how comfortable you subtly suggest in different contexts what these things may mean.
Many projects can create a recurring code that only your partners can get.
Put the wooden spoon on the counter.
Dessert is the sundae of hot fudge.
I suggest you wash the dishes together tonight.
Housework will have a whole new meaning in your place.
It's too obvious.
Of course, sex toys have their own positions.
But heating everything in your home doesn't need more than you think.
Jenny Block is a freelance writer in Dallas.
She is the author of open: love, sex and life in open marriage.
Her work appears in "a happy family" edited by Rebecca Walker and "This is a girl: a woman writer about raising her daughter" edited by Andrea Buchanan.
Visit her website at www. jennyonthepage.
Or check her blog on www. jennyonthepage. blogspot. com.
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