20 Ways Women Try to Control Their Husbands - toys for men

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Women in Clothes like to go out shopping with their husband and it is important to buy clothes for their husband because they don't want him to look like a lazy man and bring shame to the family.
In fact, there are some men who can do it with the touch of a woman. 2.
Tool woman likes to buy tools for her husband as a hint of him leaving his back, so do some repairs at home.
There are some men who actually like to collect tools, but are useless in DIY.
Others were prompted but never seemed to be able to get anything done.
They had such a desire, but lacked everything needed to get the job done.
You end up having to pay professionals to clean up the mess. 3.
It's like buying toys for your kids.
You know, if your husband is a gadget freak and you buy him the latest Galaxy S3 or a new iPhone, he may lose his mind.
This will put him under control for the time being until the novelty disappears. 4.
Some women will give her husband a tip by investing in fishing rods and nets so he can go out with Ted all day.
Then she could have a little peace of mind while he was away.
Some women will be afraid of the scene of Brokeback Mountain, but everyone is afraid of their own scene. 5.
The interesting thing about ShoesIt is that most men don't really care about their shoes and don't even notice that it's going to be delayed.
Some men don't even feel ashamed because they have holes in their shoes.
There are exceptions, of course, but in general, the feet of most men are not well maintained.
Some people even feel smelly feet and it's funny to wear the same socks for a few days. 6.
Some larger women force their husbands to eat so that they can empathize with their weight problems.
If they are all fat or obese, it's like "The problem of sharing is halved ". 7.
Some women like to buy beer for their husband just to make him happy and make him happy.
When some men get drunk, they talk a little bit. 8.
Women watching teenage movies like tearful movies that indulge in teenage years, hoping their other half will shed tears.
The problem is that they will share the news of Ted crying and watching the Titanic with the world.
"Although he wanted to play, he was really a little soft, you know, when Leonardo drowned on the Titanic, he cried . "
Computer game women like to buy games for their husband so he has no excuse not to interact with the child.
When an adult child plays with a real child, she can get some peace of mind. 10.
Some women like to buyxa0Underwearxa0For their husband, because they are tired of seeing him in an old house full of holes.
Some men are disgusting and wear underwear for another week outside. 12.
Some women buy music for their husband, but not often what he likes, but what they think he should like. 13.
Women like to buy car repairsxa0Car repair kitxa0Like their husband. xa0Let him learn tips on how to change the wheel.
There is nothing worse than seeing a useless husband because he can't change the wheel so he needs to summon a mechanic. 14.
Some women buy something for their husband's car to make the car look both normal and feminine and often try to dissuade him from pulling a strip. 15.
Sexy clothes most women like to buy tight clothes for their husband and ask him, "Do you think I'm Sexy ? " It's obviously a gift for him, but it's all about her.
If he didn't give the right answer, everything would be out of control. 16.
Lawn mower women like to buy lawn equipment for their husbands because they are ashamed to own Amazon forest in front and back gardens.
Even worse, if the neighbor had her husband trained, he would automatically know when to take care of the garden and the lawn. 17.
Sex is not about fertility, it may be about power.
I know what you want and you know I want a new washer/dryer as well.
She will whisper in his ear, "Ted, if you buy it for me, I will do what you have been asking me to do . ".
Some would call it extortion, while others would call it "negotiation ". 18.
This is a good choice.
Men don't know what to do when girls cry, so they just give in.
This is rather evil, but it works very well if used wisely. 19.
Tell me the truth. it's cheating. amateurs often fall into it.
If your woman asks you if she is fat, you think she is a fat lazy man, "You have to lie ".
She knows she is fat and doesn't need your opinion.
What she wants you to say is that she's a supermodel.
Even after 50 years of marriage, the same rules often apply.
This is a way for women to control men.
Those who have been in a relationship for long enough will follow suit. 20.
Looking at other women, the problem is that women are as bad as men, but they are more independent about it.
If you are with your wife or the other half, know that she is as guilty as you are.
If she wants to know if the woman who has just passed is beautiful.
Pretend, you don't even notice a woman coming.
This is control.
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