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200 years old sex toys fetch 600 pounds! - Times of India - female sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-04-11
200 years old sex toys fetch 600  pounds! - Times of India  -  female sex toys
It is reported that a pair of sex toys considered to have a history of more than 200 years were sold at an auction for 3,600 pounds.
An anonymous bidder bought wooden items sold at an auction in Brent Wood, Essex.
The staff at the Brentwood antique auction called the sex toys "very rare" and said they could be French, dating back to the 1700 s.
The Scot quoted the auctioneer Wendy Wood as telling the bidder: "You may laugh, but it's a good opportunity to invest . ".
"You won't see the other one for a long time," she added . ".
The lot is listed by the auctioneer under "erotic" and the catalogue is described as: "designed to please the customer.
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