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$46,000 Moves USB Vibrator From Dream to Reality - usb vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-30
$46,000 Moves USB Vibrator From Dream to Reality  -  usb vibrator
The Duet USB drive is stylish and waterproof and comes in a variety of colors. . . and vibrates.
Already successful-
Even before making.
A design team in San Francisco has raised more than $46,000 from fans, creating the world's first thumb drive that is well worth using.
The team called Crave is planning to make three different Duet models starting at $75. vibrator-
Only 8 gb and 16 gb.
"The initial drive to make it a USB device is charging convenience and travel convenience, but it's clear that we can add storage to it, and Michael Topolovac of crave told News. com. au.
"A very common reaction is: 'Wow, it's cool, I can store my content on this!
Designer Ti Chang said the duo's early success was due to the lack of innovation in the sex toy industry.
"You know, sex, in general, is the word, is taboo in many societies, people don't usually talk about it, and when people don't talk about it, she says: "It won't attract a lot of talent and innovators. "
As for data storage, Zhang said, "It really depends on women.
Some women, they like, some women, this is not their business.
Topolovac said that data storage on sex toys is not as good as it sounds.
"People may have a library of content that is private and important to them --
We should not suggest what should or should not be there --
"But in order for users to choose to store anything they like on this device, we think it's a good feature," he said . ".
The duo was launched on ckie.
So far, the company has raised more than $46,000 in August 17.
Crave said they hope to start shipping vibrators in early October. Ckie. com is a crowd-
A funding platform similar to Kickstarter.
The designer uploads the project as well as various financing options, and customers who contribute cash will receive the product once the product is made.
Read more tech gadgets and news on the news. com. au.
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