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5 Most Common Sex Toys - adult sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-15
5 Most Common Sex Toys  -  adult sex toys for women
The artificial vagina is a rubber or foam toy with a cylindrical opening that can be inserted into the penis.
You can buy artificial vagina at adult novelty retailer or make it yourself by following these steps --by-
Step notes provided by Internet DIY experts. While blow-
The doll with a permanent opening is the mainstay of many single parties, and the artificial vagina may come up with a more practical way to provide a little bit of selfsatisfaction.
After all, it is easy to store and does not require an air pump before you are busy.
However, you will have a lot of options if you like inflatable toys.
For those who prefer the experience of "stay away from this world", Zone 51 love doll: It has three breasts, one vagina
Mouth, suction cup in the shape of fingers and anus
The shape of the ears, are all alieninspired fun [source: Fortey].
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