50 shades under the tree means surge for sex toy sales: retail - rabbit vibrator for women

Santa knows who is naughty and who is good.
This year, he rewarded couples who wanted to be both husband and wife.
Stimulated by the global sensation of the "50-degree gray" Bound trilogy ---
One of Britain's best-selling books ever-
As European retailers strive to keep up with demand for leather, sex toys presented in the story are bringing a thriving Christmas to the adult novelty industry
The masked dial and blindfold depicted in the novel.
Just like more than a decade ago "Sex and City" made the rabbit vibrator an acceptable household appliance for single women, the popularity of pornographic novels also brought restrictions and restrictions
This year is known as an acceptable sock for love balls.
"One of the important things is that in terms of the impact on the relationship, 50 Shades go beyond sex toys," said Nick hueson, head of the hueson group, which conducts women's products
Slavery, domination and love abuse "is often a kind of husband and wife activity.
At least two people are needed there.
"Over the past decade, as retailers move towards high-end and target women, the $2 billion industry has grown by 5% to 10% a year and will expand at the top of the range this year, according to hueson.
Huessen estimates that due to the chain reaction of "50 Shades", it may exceed 15% next year.
Britain is not allowed.
Online retailers of pornographic goods are betting on this expansion.
It has won the right to produce and sell a range of "50-color" branded sex toys anywhere outside the Americas.
20 product lines including vibrators and restraint kits were launched in time for Christmas and were recognized by the book's author E. L. James.
The price starts at 11. 99 pounds ($19. 32)
Rise to 54 for eye masks, feather itching devices or "vibrating bullets.
99 pounds of the "submit to me" bundle.
Sales of the company are reported to be £ 15.
It is estimated that in the fiscal year ending 9 million, this line alone will generate £ 10 million in revenue in the first year of listing.
Loffhoni is also the official distributor of "50 Shades" products, and within days of the end of the production line on November, its first production has been sold out.
Introduction 12.
Sales of products like 24 are hot. 99-
Sterling's "Goddess of the heart" silver ball, as Christian Grey, the protagonist, tried on Anastasia Steele in the book.
"50 shadows" have had an incredible impact on business
Founder Richard Longhurst
"This gives couples permission to enter the market" and tells them "it's okay to buy toys.
"This is good news for the second personality --
The busiest time of the year in the industry (
Only Valentine's Day is a bigger draw).
Shares of publicly traded German adult retailer Beate Uhse AG rose 171% this year as more attention to women helped it achieve operating profit in the first nine months of 2012, two years after the loss.
"We see that we are selling more S & M products such as small whip and handcuffs," said Serge van der Hooft, chief executive . ".
"It's really because of this book.
"The retailer does not have a license to use the name of the book for its products, but still collects the most commonly used products of gray to rule Anastasia and show them together. The best-
Sales include Love ball and We-
Van Der Hooft says the vibrator is perfect for couples.
The chain will send actors dressed as Christmas angels to the streets of the German city to advertise the shops and will open more shops focusing on women and couples in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium next year.
"If people don't have the money to go on vacation or watch TV, they will look for small things to enjoy life without much investment," Van Der Hooft said . ".
"Our products are very good for this.
Hueson said that more and more people will also benefit more high-end products, such as those produced by Lelo and Jimmyjane in Sweden, where Lelo sells manufacturers of some valuable metal vibrators worth $159, including diamonds worth $3,500 --and-
Platinum Edition. Such high-
Huessen estimates that final products currently account for only about 7% of the market by value, leaving a lot of room for growth.
"If you work in the city and make a lot of money, what would it look like if you walked into the special part of the cabinet and ate something ugly?
"Coco de Mer is a chain of British underwear and luxury boutiques, and there is also a store in Manhattan . "
Consumers wearing custom suits and expensive cars also want to be impressed in the bedroom, she said.
Another trigger for growth in the coming months may be the end of the holiday season.
According to Renee Denyer, manager of London store Sh!
Sell a series of "50 Shades" of goods, sex
After Christmas, toy sales often soar again as people look for distractions after a long time with relatives.