6 Sex Toy Companies Disguised As Household Products - vibrator

As teenagers, we all go through a stage where everything in your home looks like a vagina or penis, depending on your preference-
This is one thing about the right human condition.
Most people end up coming out of this phase, while others start a company that's dedicated to turning everyday stuff into something you can really have, such as the abnormal MacGyvers.
If we continue to move on to the disturbing trend set by these devices, the future House will be made up entirely of vibrators. Devices like . . .
6 Sex Toys disguised as wallet items for those familiar with the bizarre horror that someone will go through your wallet when you know there is a personality toy in your wallet, this is to prevent and amplify this situation--
Because if you buy it, there will be sex toys in your wallet.
The kit includes a vibrator that looks like a tube for a lipstick, mascara or makeup brush and doesn't sound that bad, but "orgasm --
"Enhanced Lip Gloss" disguised as eyeshadow and "heating and cooling balms ".
"If you mistake your invisible penis for something disguised, this deception can have serious consequences.
So far, how many awkward dates do you think the screaming O has for an eye doctor?
What is the climax?
Enhance lip gloss anyway?
Our investigation only raised more questions.
It looks basically Carmex and you will think it is No.
On the list of things no one wants to get close to the genitals.
It tastes like cinnamon and mint.
5 and 8, respectively.
Concerns about the product quickly shifted from functionality to moral and thorough survival.
What kind of person needs to carry all kinds of vibrators with you?
They may not need to be cautious, but you won't know anyone's last name at various meetings held in the basement of the church.
What if your friends need to polish their blushes and you can't stop them until they inadvertently wipe your sex toys red?
In some cultures it means you are married now.
5 store the complete cheering season in your convenient USB vibrator, theoretically, USB-
A rechargeable vibrator is actually a good idea.
Ask any single woman, you know how much she spends on the battery and prepare for some soothing shoulders --patting.
Another benefit is never to run out of juice when it's not appropriate (
That's what the husband did)
But this is really the logical scope of the function.
On the other hand, the producer of the duo believes that if they are going to make a vibrator that looks and looks like a thumb drive, why not make it?
The answer, of course, is "so many reasons.
"Duet has a storage capacity of up to 16 gb, which is more than the device used by some of you when reading this.
From this point of view, this is enough to support every season.
You should have strong reservations about sticking it in the crotch though, as it seems like a bad sign.
Has poor Sean had enough?
Some of you are thinking that 16 shows are fantastic!
I can collect half of the porn!
"Yes, that makes sense. . .
Until you realize you
The duet is also waterproof-
Time is fun and more convenient than the big toaster you 've been sticking to until now. The 16-
However, the gig model is now priced at $250, which is much more expensive than getting a separate flash drive and vibrator, as its added value is not a huge monster.
In terms of green energy, charge the phone and make the duet look like a completely different Hummer.
Wankband is, well, when you are wank, a band you wear on your wrist essentially turns chronic masturbation into permanent-motion engines.
Take a selfie according to the video (naturally)
To explain how it works, "the band contains a valve with a small internal weight that generates and stores energy when moving upand-down motion. . . .
Now just plug any device you need to charge into the USB port on the band--
Smartphones, laptops, cameras, tablets-
Look, "your own masturbation circuit.
This should be read in one's voice, his accent is between Brad Pitt and Brad Pitt, and his narrative of all the other PornHub videos will either be greatly increased, it will either be lowered according to your purpose.
Selling it like a spokesperson, showing off the benefits of "love yourself and love the planet" and "Turning your unemployed roommate into a productive person, "We can't help but notice some of the flaws in their genius plans.
First of all, anyone wearing such ugly clothes, even for themselves, must greatly reduce their standards.
On the other hand, if you want, you will take off your dick skin right away.
Finally, it is clearly designed with gender discrimination. -
Choking chicken requires more wrist movements than rolling trackball.
Come on, PornHub. It's 2015.
An alarm vibrator may wake you up in the morning. We're all about anything that makes it easier to get up in the morning, but it seems to backfire ---
We hope not literally.
It's an alarm clock, wake you up with vibration (
You kill it with these descriptive names. merchants)
After that, you may fall asleep right away.
Just set the alarm clock, stick it on your underwear and be ready to leave your dream about your dead grandmother with a bunch of shiny new questions.
This is at least part of waking up compared to cheap coffee, but for you it's better to use your smartphone.
Look, you 've stuffed your family's things into your pants;
Don't be too picky about us now.
Can even work better-
According to a shameless customer, this vibration is "faint and buzzing" and may not work even as an alarm clock.
"Maybe it would be helpful to add a clock radio, although it might only play Def Radio pard.
Dave Navarro is selling wearable tie gear, and it's true that not many people will find themselves with the holes this product wants to fill in, but if you happen to like playing guitar, like to ride your partner around like a pony, the storage room has a very special location you occupy. It's called --
Wait, seriously, tape?
Okay, what are these names?
Why is the whip not clip? The Dom/Strum?
Sex toys hire us
The night and sexy constraints of the guitar strap are also at night, and the strap actually has a remarkable range of features.
It can be converted to "two-, three-, or four-
"Point constraint"-
Whatever that means-
Sex straps, belts, or all these things plus a collar.
If this is a completely different TV show, this is what the Spector Gadget will use.
According to the product description, for all the correct reasons, this "will make you notice.
"We have very, very different definitions of these words.
Yes, this is Dave Navarro for every VH1 show celebrity wearing the product in the photo as he is involved in the design!
After all, if you can't believe that the red pepper will tie you up, then who?
In fact, the first 500 specimens sold will be personally signed and processed by Navarro.
Maybe wash it before you use it. 1Dildo Chess!
Of course, we all agree that the biggest drawback of our favorite crotch accessories is that others don't put dirty hands on them, but who might turn down an exciting chess game
But that didn't stop Kiki de Montparnasse--
If asked to name the store that will do this kind of thing, each of you will come up with the name ---
From launch. The gold-
The plated, beautifully polished pieces that don't know what they're doing are amazing achievements in elegant camouflage, but you have to be Batman to be able to afford it (
Or maybe want them, considering his black fetish).
At $7,000, the price of this suit is almost $7,000 higher than anything that will eventually be put on the butt.
It seems to go against purpose, because you can't leave something so valuable just sitting outside.
On the other hand, once an uninformed thief realizes that he has got his horrible literally sticky finger, you can smile with satisfaction as you have implemented the perfect revenge.
Anyway, if you need us, we will write some new novels from Professor W/X.