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A British minister admits he made his secretary buy sex toys as #MeToo hits Parliament - sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-27
A British minister admits he made his secretary buy sex toys as #MeToo hits Parliament  -  sex toys for women
After Christmas lunch on 2010,
British MP Mark Garnier handed her his secretary's cash and took her to a sex store in the West End of London.
He told her that he wanted her to go in and buy two vibrators, one for his wife and the other for a woman in his constituency office.
Caroline Edmunson told The Sun that Garnier was standing outside the store when she finished the purchase.
Another time, in a bar in front of someone else, he told her, "you're not going anywhere, Sugar T---.
"Ed Munson's statement about her employer who resigned in 2010 spread throughout the UK on Sunday and then the world --
Allegations of sexual harassment by female colleagues against British male politicians are growing, part of it.
In the face of the growing crisis, the British Cabinet Office has launched an investigation to determine whether Garnier violated the rules of conduct, according to The Associated Press.
British Prime Minister Theresa May is scrambling to show the public that British political leaders are helping female colleagues who silently endure sexual harassment --
Sometimes in the office below the hall or around the corner.
As far as Garnier is concerned, he was first elected as a member of parliament in 2010 and was appointed as a member of May's cabinet last year. he acknowledged that the allegations were true but denied that his actions were harmless.
"I will not deny this because I will not be dishonest," he said, according to The Associated Press . ".
"I'm going to put it on my chin.
"The statement about his former secretary's chest refers to a popular BBC show," he said, adding that his behavior can be seen as "dinosaur behavior ", but "absolutely no harassment ".
"These allegations come from women around the world sharing stories of being touched, harassed or even beaten --
At Harvey Weinstein's office, at Fox News studio, on the subway.
For those who come forward and many others, the story from London is remarkable --
It is gradually recognized that in all professional careers, there are creepy guys in all socio-economic classes, and even in the sacred seat of British democracy.
These stories have different characters, but the theme is similar: men in power and women who think their institutions are not enough to protect them.
In London, politicians at the highest levels of government are accused.
Stephen Crabbe, a married member of parliament, a newspaper who once thought he was "a man who could be your next prime minister," admitted that he had spoken to a 19-year-
According to The Sunday Telegraph, the old woman was interviewed 2013 Times.
On Saturday, environment minister Michael Gove said in an interview with BBC broadcaster John Humphrys that he "walked into Harvey Weinstein's bedroom ".
"London media reports around the group of assistants and researchers WhatsApp warn female colleagues that members of parliament often fumble for staff in taxis or alcohol-providing activities.
According to The Sun, a minister was labeled "elevator unsafe" for his actions.
The other is described as "handsy ".
A member of Parliament needs a new researcher.
Can't be a woman.
Mei's official spokesman said, "any reports of sexual harassment are deeply worrying, in any area of life, including politics.
However, she suggested that judgement might not be made until the investigation process was completed.
On the political front, Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn said there was a need for a system to better protect female colleagues from harassing bosses.
"The prime minister announced this morning that she supports the process of any [member's staff] of any political party, and I agree with her that, according to the BBC, he said: "I can and should report these things to the House of Commons authority. ".
"If there is an unequal power relationship in the workplace and women become vulnerable as a result, they must be supported and they must be protected.
"Women who have worked in the United States have also reported allegations of similar misconduct. S. Congress.
As The Washington Post reports
Jackie Speier, D-Calif.
He urged former and current employees to share stories of their sexual harassment using # MeTooCongress hashtag.
According to Li, thousands of social media posts spread after the allegations against Weinstein, "sparking a conversation about the prevalence of sexual harassment.
Speier said that when she was a member of Congress, she was the chief of staff at the time --Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif.
Holding her face, she kissed her hard.
"I know what it's like to hide these things deep inside.
"I know what it's like to lie in bed at night and not know if I'm doing something wrong," Speier said . ", The rules of Congress dealing with harassment are opposed to victims.
"This is not a victim --
Friendly process.
This is an institution.
Speier recently told the Post.
"I think we will find sexual harassment very rampant in this institution.
But no one wants to know because they have to do something about it.
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