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A Google Sex Toy? - vibrator sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-08
A Google Sex Toy?  -  vibrator sex toy
Well, it's a little.
Introduction to Google, probably the first personality-
Use Google search to help users, well, enjoy their own related personal "devices "-
Put it in the safe. for-work terms.
While Googlher sex toys are not items that can be purchased, there is an extended howto that has a detailed stepby-
Make your own step drill.
Katie Nolan drew my attention to this device in the video of Maxim ism, the website of Maxim magazine.
From there, Google search made us find the LezGetReal blog, which features writing
Video about this toy.
From their description: I have to wonder if the use of "bing" instead of "ping" is a Freudian error.
As for toys, at the beginning, Google is presented as something that can be purchased, but as shown in the URL embedded in the "teaching" video, people who are interested actually have to build this thing, which takes us directly to ffff. at (
Free Art and Technology)website. Over at F. A. T.
Actually, there is a broad approach
Provide guidance to those who want to build their own GoogleElectric sex toys
In fact, look at the guide and it looks more like a computer case mod, but instead of modifying a computer case, you're building a USB-
Plug in the Power case of the computer.
From there, once Google's web service ping your browser, the box sends a signal to the connected vibrator, causing the vibrator to vibrate. In F. A. T.
Guide to the use of silver bullet vibrators (SWF link)
Used as an output device.
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