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A.I.: The Death Knell For Relationship Marketing, Or The Birth Of The Loveable Salesbot? - huge sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-23
A.I.:  The Death Knell For Relationship Marketing, Or The Birth Of The Loveable Salesbot?  -  huge sex toys
Relationship Marketing. CRM.
Customer lifetime value.
"It's much more expensive to find new customers than to keep old ones. ”From a One-
While the idea of building a bond over time seems obvious to most of us, it took marketers decades to figure this out.
This discipline develops from the most effective way of producing and distributing products (
Henry Ford, 1909: "Any customer can buy a car of any color as long as it is black ").
This trend has been prevalent to 1950, when management began to regard marketing as a sales function;
During the boom period after World War II, the main goal was to move the product out of the warehouse so that the inventory would not pile up.
This sales orientation rewards those who can "sell ice to Eskimos"-at least once.
Most exchanges should go beyond a concept --
Close trading exchanges to extend trading hours
The term relationship between buyers and sellers to achieve lasting value has emerged (
At least officially)in the 1980’s.
With the world's most successful companies finally starting to be customer-oriented, it makes a lot of sense for the company to start to understand the buyers who are really satisfied.
Customer lifecycle value is a new measure of success.
Is the relationship marketing era over?
Fast forward to today.
Now everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI)
And how it will completely change sales efficiency.
Processing time automatically
The theory is that consuming tasks such as recording emails and generating invoices can make more time for salespeople to spend with customers.
But what happens when a dedicated salesperson is replaced by a robot?
Analysts predict that by 2025, 66 million robots will be shipped annually, with a market value of $19 billion.
Many organizations now deploy robots, avatars, and chatbots to execute the meat we used to ask --and-
Blood people do it.
Call centers are being automated and retailers from banks to hardware stores are deploying robots to help customers shop.
How good will robots be as a source of marketing communications for marketers?
Advertisers spend huge sums of money recruiting the right people (human)
A spokesperson for a brand, but at least so far no one seems to have much thought about selling robots or artificial intelligence
The generated model should look or sound like it.
Social psychologists have long argued that the source effect is important in persuasive communication-essentially, they say it is more influential than they say it is.
More than half.
Century Studies have shown that the same information transmitted by different messengers may have very different effects.
The two most critical aspects are perceived warmth and ability-do we like a spokesperson, do we think he or she is qualified to judge this product?
Like a human mouthster, marketers who consider using robots, chatbots, or online avatars to represent their brands ignore these issues, which is dangerous for them
Outrageous (
And proper creepy)
The TurboTax Robochild Super Bowl ad gives us a great idea of what happens when the robot character goes dark.
It took us nearly 40 years to shift from transactional to relational orientation.
Can customers form the same bond with robot employees, or will brand loyalty become a quaint product of the past?
As automated machines increasingly replace sales and service providers,
Is the customer Revolution denied?
Can we learn to love our robots? From a Long-
The term relationship with sexy robot Quickie?
Perhaps it is too early to worry.
Ironically, it is possible that new technologies will replace the loving body. and-
Blood representative (seemingly)
An understanding robot
In the near future, these sales robots will do more than just answer simple questions.
The emerging disciplines that convince robots have identified amplification
Human ability to close sales.
Computer scientists compete to develop machine learning platforms that enable chatbots to accommodate humans
Sounds like natural dialogue, and the ability to faithfully mimic human gestures to simulate persuasive robots
Sales of personnel. (
Of course, we can see in the process
Life sales have joined the expanding ranks of truckers, cashiers, yes, and possibly even marketing executives replaced by. I. ).
So how close are we to a world where humans mix with robots-working with them, buying from them, and even mating with them?
Companies like H & M have begun to delve into conversational business technologies that use emojis and slang that look like shoppers are talking to a real person on the other side of the screen, not just an artificial intelligence learning machine.
In a call center study, researchers reported that 38% of chat users were not sure if they interacted with humans or chatbots. So-
Using machine learning to operate videos called deepfake technology makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to judge if the person they watch on the screen actually says the words that appear to be spoken in his or her mouth.
Japanese rock star Hatsuni Miku sold a huge concert venue despite being a holographic image.
Of course, we also see the rise of digital literature, which reminds us that truth is more strange than fiction.
Like the characters in the sci-fi films Ex Machina and she, some real people are venturing into the unknown as they build romantic relationships with robots. As AI-
Fully equipped sex toys are in the form of highly realistic bionic enthusiasts, familiar broken borders, and new "retailers" opened around the world in the form of robot brothelsopen ". If consumers (
At least a few brave)
Now, really make love to the robot, what will the future look like for the brand that usesI.
Encourage their customers to love them too?
Marketers should note that a brave new world will come faster than you think.
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