A neutral future for guys and dolls - sex toys for guys

On a recent trip to the toy store with my three childrenyear-
Old son, I came across a signal: "The girl here, the boy there.
The boy area looks like Jeremy Clarkson's driveway, packed with cars, bikes and monster trucks.
The girl's toy is probably handmade.
Katie Price was picked with usual pink suspects such as Princess costumes, dolls and glitter.
Toy isolation is a forever
More and more phenomena and toy stores are facing "right-
Parents are too nervous. The UK-
The movement, which is based in the pink smelly party, launched an-
Against the pink movement of the early learning center. Co-
Founder Abby Moore said: "Parents keep asking us 'what can we do, 'and parents of girls and boys are tired of marketing messages and also of gender assumptions that children are forced to give up.
"Pink Stinks say their goal is to challenge the pink culture, which they say violates the girl's life.
"We focus on providing real role models, motivating and motivating girls to achieve great achievements based on their abilities and efforts rather than what you look like," says Pink Stinks . ".
Another organization that challenges traditional gender stereotypes is rubbish!
(Against parental parenting!
) Who said in their mission statement: "We want to actively challenge media and literature produced for children by gender discrimination, racism, capitalism, categorization, homophobia, trans-gender, age discrimination and energy toys.
Gender of Canadian parents Kathy witrick and David Stoke
They have recently decided not to disclose the gender of the four of them, thus bringing neutral parenting to the limitmonth-old baby Storm.
To improve gender --
Neutral kids, Storm's parents say they want it to be Storm whether he or she wants to live as a boy or a girl.
The couple already have two sons, Jazz (five) and Kio (two), who are wearing skirts and long hair.
Jazz is often mistaken for a girl, suffering from his presence.
Based on their experience with son jazz, Kathy and David, after reading 1978 children's books, x: a mythical children's story, decided to upgrade Storm to a genless.
This is the story of a child without gender growing up as part of a scientific experiment.
X likes to basket and play football, he is the best Adjusted of all the kids.
Child psychologist Sheila Green is the head of the Children's Research Center at Trinity College Dublin.
In 2009, she pointed out another case in Sweden in which a couple also decided to raise their child Pop as a gender neutral child.
"They are conducting an experiment and pushing it to the extreme.
I think it's almost child abuse.
"As for toy isolation, Sheila felt that things would only get worse over the years and parents should be annoyed.
"In toy stores and on TV, there has been an increase in gender segregation of toys, which is very good for parents who are trying to crack down on toys.
"The marketer boils it down to an art.
"If you close your eyes and listen to TV commercials, you can know who the toys are sold to right away," she said . ".
"They put a lot of money into these things and are in a lot of gender segregation.
"Sheila believes that adults do not appreciate the fact that our children are being bombarded with gender stereotypes.
"It's hard to deal with it because the toys are designed so kids think it's especially important for them and wait for them to develop special relationships.
"Experts say we have some natural things that recognize gender, which is why
Students are so keen to split everything into the stereotype of boys/girls.
The view was expressed that the development of gender identity of children was formed by their gender and environment.
Research has shown that boys and girls love dolls until the age of one, which is highlighted.
After that, the boys were attracted by trucks.
Three-year-old girls like dolls on trucks, but at the age of five they have an equal interest in trucks and dolls.
Green believes the heavy bombing of gender
Specific Toys affect the natural development of children.
The kids are very sexy.
Character styling.
It's pretty rigid, even if it's like pre-school.
Since this is not an option for parents or children, parents need to think about it.
"Girls are not naturally attracted to pink.
She said: "By the age of seven, eight or nine children stopped strong gender identity and began to explore their identity as individuals . "
"Unfortunately, as the media keeps posting expectations of gender, they don't come out of the other side.
This is a stage that should not last too long.
"It's really depressing.
In our study of Chinese Medicine "growing up in Ireland", in nineyear-
We find gender stereotypes very extreme and very divisive.
"People should not contribute to gender differences," she added . ".
"If girls are expected to wear decor, high heels, and beauty, it can do quite a bit of harm to them.
It would be ridiculous if they did not match the image.
The boys are also under pressure to become football players.
"There is also a double standard because it is not acceptable for boys to play with girls --Positioning toys.
"This has always been the case because of homosexuality.
"Boys must be active men and girls must be passive women," Professor Green said . ". Mum-of-
Linda Dillon has a strong opinion on toy isolation.
"I found the sex division of toys very frustrating.
My daughter is not a girl, and she doesn't like pink.
"I hate the concept of pink aisle and boy aisle," she explained . ".
Linda said Nora (four years old) and Hugo (two years old) have the same interest in toys for both men and women.
The aisle of the girl is full of nail polish, headwear and clothing.
My son is as interested in them as my daughter.
She likes to walk through the whole store, not just the aisle of "her.
When my son has a little stroller that he likes to push, she will never go to the doll area.
"There is a real expectation of what toys boys and girls like.
Personally, I like to focus on something ordinary, such as colorful wooden toys or jigsaw puzzles.
They all like animals, so they all like my pet shop.
"It is not always easy to maintain gender neutrality under external influence.
"Of course, we got a lot of messy things as gifts.
Something else is brought into the house by others.
And there's pressure from other kids who say that.
"Shirts or pants that are boys," Linda said . ". The Sandyford-
Mom thinks gender stereotypes are definitely a problem for adults.
"Adults expect boys to be men and girls to be girls.
My son likes to wear clothes.
As many as other children
"As my daughter gets older, it's getting harder to find sex --neutral toys.
She does think pink is the color of the girl.
She recently had a Dora's head and liked to draw her face and put her hair up.
"Clothing is another problem for parents.
"What I hate most is the pink color on the girl's clothes, which says slogans such as" little princess "or" I like shopping, "Linda said . ".
The mothers of the two children found that balance was the best way to do it, not remembering the sex of the toy --
Grow up specifically.
"I would never say, 'Don't play with that toy '.
Picking toys is the healthiest way.
"When my daughter says she wants to be a ballerina, the feminists in my heart always tell her that she can also be a scientist or a doctor! " she adds.
When a child plays with a specific toy, the parent's response has a great impact on the child.
Research has shown that, while biologically biased against toys, there is also strong social support for the choice of toys.