A Vibrating Deaf Dog Caller Collar

How do you call a deaf dog?
The joke says it doesn't matter if he doesn't come anyway.
But seriously, if the dogor whatever)
Is it really deaf or is the handler dumb? Then what?
How do you get the attention of your pet and remind them to stop or come back to you?
When Jack, her very old Siberian husky, lost his hearing about 3 years ago, my friend came to me with this dilemma.
She usually keeps Jack in a house with a large fence, but when he decides to chase a rabbit, let go, skip the fence, go to the road, etc.
He will be so focused or distracted that there are not many calls that will get his attention.
Then I solved her dilemma with a deaf dog collar.
The good thing about this idea is that after a little bit of training, my friend found out that the dog would at least stop, change his attention for a while, look around for my friend, and usually come back, even in his spare time.
For this Instructure I built my second unit so it took me less than 1 hour to find everything I needed and it took me less than 3 hours to finish the building.
This Instructure is a medium-difficulty Instructure, about 1 to 3 hours of build time for converting remote control toys (a car)
A vibrating dog.
The distance range of this project is limited by the quality of the toys used.
On this site, more information is available for deafening dogs. org.
They sell artificial vibrating dog collars.
Some of these units are a mile away, but you may find this out from your budget.
This site also suggests making your own unit much cheaper than what I did for this instructable.
However, they did not write an instructure for it.
To control many other applications, this simple remote control can be modified a little.
If you build it with a lamp instead of a vibrating motor, you'll find it easier for your night wandering pet, which is just an example.
Note: "jake" has passed, so "rustyle" volunteered to model the collar of the deaf dog caller.
He said, "Please send cookies!
"It's true. I can't refuse the challenge.
I need a toy RC car.
At my fifth local thrift store, I bought this one for $3.
Looks good enough. Great bargain.
The parts of this RC car are larger than my original project, so it may seem a bit bulky, especially for a small pet.
They are selling small RC cars now and the parts of these cars are very small and can make the whole project better, but you can get the idea here.
When I was shopping for this project, I was looking for a full car with transmitter and receiver.
Unless or until you have the transmitter signal, the car must be the one that does not run the motor.
I 've seen some toy cars that have been running the motor all the time, the transmitter just reverse the motor and turn the wheel to turn.
This approach works, but why is it complicated? (Meaning -
I don't know what to do yet. )
Here is a hint that most of the toys in the thrift store are still working and can usually be repaired and some cosmetics are missing (
My battery cover is missing and there is a small crack on the fender).
Put the toys together for testing to make sure you have all the key parts you need and they work fine.
To make sure, like me, always shop with 4 AAA batteries, 4 AA batteries and 9 v batteries.
This way, you can test the toys in the store before purchasing.
Bit with small bit (~1/8inch)
Empty medicine bottles or plastic film canisterOne screws and nut strength glue like epoxy sawwood screwdriver, soldering iron, and of course tape! (
What is the project without it? )
Then let's see what's in the car.
Below you should find some screws that hold the bottom and top together.
You can still do this if they are rivets, but you should think about it when you shop.
Remove the screws, rivets, clips, etc. and release the two halves.
A circuit card should be found inside (receiver)
A pile of wires connecting the motor, antenna and power switch.
Make a simple drawing so you know what's connected to where. Always.
Cut off the wire to the battery seat (
While it may not be necessary on your model, my model is easier to cut.
Note that when I cut the wire, I left a small amount of insulation color on the terminals.
This makes it easier to know which color will go in the future.
Remove the switch and the circuit card.
There is usually a housing covering the motor from dust/dirt.
In my car, there are 4 screws that hold the case together.
The screw can only be contacted after the wheel is removed.
I also took the rear gearbox apart because we need a gear later.
At this point, you should have a circuit card with a motor and switch, as well as an antenna and plastic gear.
Cut off the excess plastic on the battery stand from the chassis.
The rest of the car can go to the toy car vandals.
The screws belong where you keep the screws.
The back of the battery holder is held with elastic glue or hold, circuit board.
Reconnect the battery line according to the wiring diagram in step.
You can't weld the antenna because the spring line will not be welded, so reconnect using small screws and nuts.
I was lucky to have a card cover in my car to prevent dust, so I used it too.
Tape the battery seat/circuit card unit firmly to protect it from the weather.
Everyone wants a motor that runs smoothly and quietly.
Except that we are all here.
Remember the gear we kept from the gearbox?
Remember to clamp, cut or grind most of the half away and keep the whole hole.
My motor has a cool black ring that plugs in 2 holes at the end of the motor and supports it to be centered inside the housing.
During the test, I noticed that the ring kicked and then bounced the motor, jumped and slammed.
Stick the modified gear to the shaft with a strong glue like epoxy.
After determining that the motor will be installed loosely into the motor housing.
Drill the wire at the bottom of the shell.
I switched to a digital camera a long time ago and used a snapshot
The lid of the blood test strip for diabetic patients is empty.
Many photo shops have free plastic film cans.
I used the heat shrink on the wire, but it seems afterwards that this is not really necessary.
I don't need to do anything with the transmitter except to bring the 9Vdc battery glue to the stand as there is no cover.
The second picture shows what is inside the transmitter.
There is only one circuit card and one switch inside.
Install the receiver part on the outside of the dog collar so that the weight of the battery reaches its lowest point.
Like me, install the vibration motor inside the collar or along the edge of the collar.
The vibrator motor needs to be in contact with the pet neck.
Make sure you can still find some fingers between the collar and the pet so it won't be too tight.
This collar does not matter.
Install the assembly and antenna or tape to follow the collar.
The collar with the pet, not to mention the feeling of adapting to the new collar for a period of time, may even be a day.
When it completely forgets the new collar, send him a signal when he is looking around for "What the hell is that?
"Do your best to call him and signal him by providing the most popular hospitality.
With mode and reward training, you should be able to teach him to come back as soon as he presses the button.
He needs to connect the vibration "back" to you.
Call everyone you know and even some people you don't know.
Plan your bragging plan when you wait for their arrival.
Because they will never get one unless they build one.
EnjoybyEgon PavlisBiomedtronixwww. Biomedtronix .