Addicted to Technology? - use of vibrating ring

The use of certain types of technology has become typical of the waking hours of many of our children, teenagers and adults.
You can't walk on the crowded sidewalk without seeing a few people talking with their mobile phones, in the grocery store or even in the doctor's office.
Do you sometimes feel desperate because of the time spent chatting or playing games on your phone?
Then someone at home uses a tablet and spends a lot of time on a computer or watching TV.
They may be using some kind of social media or playing games.
How much time does this take to be healthy?
What about young children or teenagers?
A study of children under 11 found that by the fifth grade, 40% of children had mobile phones, and many parents said they were using them for safety.
Parents want their children to have a way to connect with their families, and many people think it is OK for their children to keep in touch with their friends.
There were several studies on adolescents, but there were not many studies on children under the age of 11.
The unexpected consequences of excessive social media, computer games or television may have a direct impact on children's health, but this performance may not occur until late puberty.
These problems may include lack of exercise ability, less activity, attention problems at school or sleep problems.
Increase in weight (BMI)
It can also be a problem because many children aged 11 or 12 are overweight.
What choice do you have as a parent?
Suggestions include: Encourage your child to play outside, join a sports team of their choice, or limit their computer or phone time to about two hours a day.
It is important for family to be together.
No cell phone at the dinner table!
Adolescents need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep per night, but only 12% of adolescents report this amount of sleep.
Sleep is as important as food and water.
Many teenagers text quietly in the bedroom at night.
These years are important for maturity, including intellectual, physical and emotional growth.
Lack of sleep in adolescents can lead to depression, lack of energy, lack of productivity, and often lead to poor school performance.
About 78% of 7-year-olds
According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, there is a mobile phone.
In addition, this is the time when the adolescent biological clock changes, melatonin is released at about eleven o'clock P. M. , which affects their sleep --wake cycle.
This explains why they sometimes feel tired and unhappy in the morning.
They usually want to stay up late on weekends, but it also interferes with their awakening --sleep cycle.
Cyberbullying can also be a terrible problem for some children, and even watching birthday parties they are not invited to can cause injury or depression.
Teens are tough, so trying to communicate with your teens will help you know what's going on in their lives.
The possible problem of excessive technical content the constant use of technology may harm anyone's health, but such use is accepted by today's society even for adults.
When computers, tablets, and especially mobile phones use a few hours a day, there may be real changes in your brain.
It may be an addiction, just not using the drug, but it does provide instant gratification.
For more information about the brain, see the video below.
Problems that may arise when the technical time is too long: maintaining a fixed position for a long time may cause skeletal problems. A sedentary lifestyle can cause you to have visual problems (such as eye fatigue) on a bright screen) it took less time before it was actually visual blur or head blur media devices that could have a lot of bacteria and cause infection. Social development can be hampered when spending too much time on social media, especially among children or teenagers, because they need to be moreto-
Face-to-face time with other devices can disrupt sleep cycles.
Especially teenagers, they often chat with their parents at night.
It's a good idea to have them turn off their phones before going to bed and maybe leave them somewhere specific.
Also, when you consider your game or contacts, you may be too alert, too awake, or unable to rest at all at night.
Excessive use of technology can lead to serious mental health problems, including low emotional stability and poor self-awareness.
Confidence, bad psychology-
Life satisfaction is low.
If you keep your phone nearby all the time, you may hear phantom ringtones if you keep checking your social media, plus phone conversations.
This is called the Phantom ring.
People report hearing phantom rings, or they think their phones are vibrating, which can happen once a week.
If you feel anxious, frustrated or even isolated when technology is not readily available, you may actually quit.
Instant gratification for games and a consistently bright screen actually requires a certain amount of excitement.
So what happens when electricity runs out?
If you think you rely too much on your phone, try turning it off or at least keep it away from you for a while.
This should help you quickly to determine if you have a problem.
In a word, family and friends are more important than technology in life.
Lack of control (
Manual control required)
Consuming family, friendship, and even the meaning of your favorite TV show is not much more important.
Having said that, we bought a toy computer for our 3 year old granddaughter as a Christmas present and it has a lot of great features. She loved it!
So this year, on her fourth birthday, we bought her a little bike with wheels.
Her mom and dad bought helmets and so on.
I think this is a progress.
If you have a child who is over-self
You may need to seek professional help, be conscious, have anxiety, or have unreasonable expectations.
It is very important to know what your child is doing in his free time.
As parents, we are responsible for the next generation, so it is important to see your child grow up in a healthy life.