adult $ex toy shop owners - need suggestions - new adult toys

I am looking for some suggestions/suggestions for real users running the adult toys website (
Single supplier or multiple suppliers
Supplier Market).
I am the product owner of a popular multiplayer game
Market Solutions for suppliers.
I would like to expand this solution for the adult toy market.
Basically, try to provide a cost-effective, scalable solution for those who want to start an adult toy market or e-commerce website.
This product is not like Shopify. . it's like self-
Managed Solutions
Fully customizable and open source.
You can modify it as you wish. (
Design, function addition, etc. )
Suggestions/suggestions on-1)
What are the main unique features that website owners are looking? (
In this particular niche)2)
Which payment processor do they prefer, or if you are the owner of the site --
Tell me what payment gateway you use to collect payments. 3)
If I need to know anything else I'm missing --please add it. Thanks.