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AFL's Mad Monday features Fevola, sex toys, scuffles - fun sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-10-01
AFL\'s Mad Monday features Fevola, sex toys, scuffles  -  fun sex toys
The AFL season ended with sex toys, and after Carlton star Brendan Feira's shocking antics, AFL was under pressure to ban crazy Monday, marching outside a city bar in his pajamas, A sex toy was highlighted on the pants and a scuffle between Melbourne striker Ben Holland.
Fevola went out for a drink with his teammates on Monday, and around five o'clock P. M. he shook to Fed Square (AEST)
Wearing pink pajamas and a sex toy tied to the waist.
The video taken on the phone was uploaded to YouTube. Fev 1 feet
Long dildo hanging out of his pink muu
"Mu is fully open outside the bar," said a witness who declined to be named . ".
"I saw him hit a few girls in the head with it.
"It's a little inappropriate --putting.
"Carlton recently signed Ferra to three.
The deal this year was worth about $750,000, which was not commented.
Meanwhile, the Netherlands allegedly broke out in a fight while trying to help teammate Nathan Carroll get on the taxi, injuring him.
What happened earlier yesterday outside the Barkly Hotel in St Kilda was after a long drinking activity called "crazy Monday", marking the end of the gourmet season.
Treatment is said to be needed in the Netherlands.
The Melbourne Football Club is investigating the matter.
Prime Minister Victoria John bloomby condemned this crazy Monday shame as a very bad example of the community. "The (players')
"Behavior is inappropriate," he said . "
"You want the football players to have a little fun at the end of the year and release a little bit of energy, but you don't want them to march openly in Federal Square like these football players are.
"All of our elite athletes set an example for the rest of the community, which is a very bad example.
"AFL did not comment last night, but the police did not rule out charges against Fevola's attack.
"It is entirely up to anyone who has made a formal complaint," a spokesman said . ".
Angela Conway, spokesman for the Australian Family Association, said the AFL should be responsible for the player's actions.
"The alliance keeps selling games to families, but this behavior often happens," she said . ".
"If the children witnessed this in public, they would be very confused about issues such as sex.
"The behaviour shown publicly is totally contemptuous of the feelings of women and the needs of children and families.
"Banning crazy Monday may not be on the AFL's agenda, but league boss Andrew Demétrio said yesterday that the final series could extend competition when the new Gold Coast and Sydney clubs join.
Melinda tenkard rester, director of the Australian Women's Forum, said player behaviour was a serious problem.
"Women have the right to walk freely in public places without sexual harassment," she said . ". -
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