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Alan Dershowitz takes legal action after being named with Prince Andrew in ‘sex ring’ case - sex ring

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-17
Alan Dershowitz takes legal action after being named with Prince Andrew in ‘sex ring’ case  -  sex ring
Alan dershovitz took legal measures this week to challenge a recent court filing claim that he had sex with a minor girl who was forced
Dershowitz, who has not been nominated as the party to the proceedings, intervened in the "outrageous falsehood" charge of an alleged victim of Epstein, in order to "protect his reputation.
The famous lawyer, along with Prince Andrew of England, was named after the so-called victim, Jane Doe, 3, he said she was also sold to "many other powerful American politicians, powerful corporate executives, foreign presidents,
Prime Minister and other world leaders.
On Monday, Dershowitz told CNN in a lengthy and heated interview that the victim was a "serial puppet, serial liar, serial prostitute ".
He added that he had never seen the woman before.
CNN and several other media outlets have identified the names of the victims.
The Washington Post usually does not identify victims of sexual assault without permission.
The allegations also prompted Buckingham Palace's representative Andrew to deny them many times and to report heavily on the first lawsuit filed in 2008.
In court papers filed last week, the alleged victim accused Dershowitz of having sex with her "not only in Florida, but also on a private jet, while she was underage, in New York, New Mexico and the United States,S. Virgin Islands.
The document also claims that Dershowitz is "one eye --
Witness the sexual abuse of many other minors by several colleagues in Epstein and Epsteinconspirators.
"The interests of the professor have been greatly damaged.
As the plaintiff's counsel certainly expected, Dershowitz's allegations against the professor were shameful.
Dershowitz and others have created a media storm.
"On the weekend of January 3 and 2015, the major media --
Including the Miami Herald, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Jerusalem Post
Pick up the story and highlight the most defamatory charges against the professor. Dershowitz.
"The lawsuit alleges that the federal government violated the victim's rights regulations and did not consult with the alleged victim of Epstein prior to signing the plea agreement, leading Epstein to plead guilty to prostitution on Florida charges.
At that time, Epstein was the subject of federal investigations into allegations of trafficking in underage women;
The plea deal reportedly allowed him to avoid any federal charges that could arise in the investigation.
Dershowitz's file also includes a detailed bullet pointby-
Every sexual charge against him was denied and an additional charge was made against himself: "I believe and accuse Jane Doe #3's counsel of deliberately inserting this falsehood and that they know or should know that it is false and defamatory and, in a legal complaint, not seeking a hearing of evidence, nor does it provide me with any other opportunity to refute or refute allegations that they know are false.
Earlier, Dershowitz had said that he would seek the dismissal of the alleged victim legal counsel for filing the Doe #3 charge. (
One of the two lawyers, Paul G.
Castle writes for The Washington Post's independent blog, the warlock conspiracy. )
Dershowitz later told the BBC that he wanted to "bring charges against clients and ask her to speak in court", adding: "If she thinks she's been hurt by me and Prince Andrew, she should sue us for compensation.
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