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Alex Jones deals in vicious stupidity. It's not free speech — it's incitement: Neil Macdonald - sex ring

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-15
Alex Jones deals in vicious stupidity. It\'s not free speech — it\'s incitement: Neil Macdonald  -  sex ring
Guest of speech-I'm a passionate Gold Team-card-
The member believes that the best response to aggressive speech is more speech than the country's bitter enemy.
This is a reasonable axiom, taking into account the primitive impulses that humans suppress or at least control the expression of others, especially in the hot, hyper-sensitive times in which we live at present.
Imagine what the outcome would be if the government were to meet the demands of every group claiming to be victims to protect against crime or insult?
We need a hate speech Department soon, 24-
The hourly call center provides advice on the expression allowed.
That is to say, the deeply rooted principle of freedom of speech in the Basic Law of the United States is flawed;
It does not take into account the deep and deep-rooted evil stupidity that exists in the population than any rational person can imagine.
Lucy Richards is the embodiment of it.
Richards is 58-year-
The old lady, who should now be released under supervision somewhere in Florida.
In fact, she was armed by an evil Far East
Alex Jones, right reptile, many of his fans include the United StatesS.
President Donald Trump
She was targeted by Jones, followed and made a criminal threat to the family of a six murdered person. year-old.
Jones has spent his entire life promoting the evil and stupid conspiracy theory of the United States.
In his more successful attempt, there was a view that Hillary Clinton had something to do with a child sex ring running in Washington, DC. C. pizzeria (
This prompted a gunman to appear and fire at a pizza parlor)
The massacre of children at Sandy Hook primary school in 2012 was "wrong --
The "flag" action, planned by free puppets buried in government machines, aims to build support for gun control and take assault rifles away from freedom --
Love American Patriots
According to Jones, the school shooting was a hoax, and the bodies of the children were actually actors and actresses playing roles.
According to Jones, the families of the murdered children were involved in the fight against freedom.
According to the affidavit submitted by one of the families, he helped to publish their personal details.
Millions of visitors to the Jones information website have swallowed up this unspeakable lie, and some have made it their mission to track and harass these families.
Lucy Richards is one of them.
Richards was sent to prison last summer after admitting death threats to six-year-old Noah Pozner's family. year-
The old man was cut down by a bullet from the Holocaust murderer Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook.
The judge who ruled her told her that the tragic reality of the family was the only reality and that she had no right to obtain her "alternative facts ", "Trump Hill Kylie Ann Conway invented a phrase to defend her boss's presidential lies.
But Richards is just one of Jones's gullible idiots.
Together they hunt down the Pozner family relentlessly, tracking them every time they move to escape harassment.
It is reported that the family now lives in
The safe community is hundreds of kilometers from the cemetery where their little boy was buried.
They stopped visiting his grave for fear of causing more serious attention.
Alex Jones says Sandy Hook has taken pictures of what hoaxAlex Jones has deleted from Apple, Facebook, YouTube and SpotifyIt, and he faces a lawsuit. It's impossible to imagine losing surrealist goals in school shots, not to mention Jones fanatic fans.
But all this is allowed in the name of freedom of speech.
Like other instigators, Jones was also involved in the First Amendment, even naming his production company, Free Voice Systems, LLC.
For years, despite requests from the families of the dead children, social media organizations such as Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Spotify and Twitter have asked Jones to take his online rant with him or provide their links.
In fact, Jones's followers are guns, loaded by conspiracy theorist heroes, and stocked by some of the largest digital companies in the United States, all for profit.
This may be over now.
But maybe not.
Nine of the Sandy Hook family have filed separate defamation lawsuits against Jones, along with a man named Marcel Fontaine who was wrongly identified by Jones as Parkland, Florida.
School shooting in last FebruaryPro-
The first amendment Patriots United after the authoritarian tech giants in # AlexJones = "> # Facebook , # YouTube , and # Apple on the same day, we are prohibited from entering their platform in a coordinated Communist Party member
Strict Style-
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