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Amazon says sex toys are being mailed to strangers and has no idea how to stop it - sex toys canada

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-23
Amazon says sex toys are being mailed to strangers and has no idea how to stop it  -  sex toys canada
Amazon couldn't understand why it sent dozens of packages containing sex toys to strangers.
Families across the United States and Canada have received unsolicited packages in the past few weeks.
Some are given at random, such as Bluetooth speakers, LED lights, or computer vacuum cleaners.
But now the mystery is happening.
Amazon has confirmed that more and more goods include sex toys.
That's what Nikki is.
She told the Daily Beast that when she initially received a $25 sex toy in her post, she thought it was a mixed toy --up.
She bought some mascara from a shopping site she hasn't arrived yet.
"At first, I thought it was a mistake," she said . ". "I looked [the sex toy]
It's up, $25. it's a bit expensive.
It seems very personal.
Amazon says it is investigating the matter.
A spokesperson told The Sun in a statement: "We are investigating inquiries from consumers who have received unsolicited packages because it will violate our policy.
"We have confirmed that the seller in question did not receive the name or delivery address from Amazon.
We remove sellers in violation of our policy, withhold payments and take appropriate action in cooperation with law enforcement.
"Nikki allegedly called Amazon customer service several times to try to decipher the sender's identity, but was unlucky.
Worried she's on the Internet.
She wanted to find out if the police should be involved.
On her first call with Amazon, she claimed that she had to fight a representative and supervisor to take her concerns seriously. “[They were]
"Under the impression that I just called to find out who sent me an interesting gift to satisfy my own curiosity," she told The Daily Beast . ".
After multiple phone calls, Nikki was reportedly asked to send a subpoena with the name, credit card and bank number of the person who mailed her the sex toy-she did not have those details.
But Nikki's story is not surprising.
At the end of last month, according to the CBC, an estimated $1,000 worth of Amazon merchandise was mailed to students at universities across Canada.
They also have sex toys, including vibrators and shredded meat lights.
Meanwhile, a Boston couple Mike and Kelly Gallivan claim to have received a total of 25 Amazon items since October.
Earlier this month, an old man from Volusia County, Florida, said she also received a series of unwanted packages.
Some, including two former Amazon employees, believe the trend is part of an international Amazon scam.
The technology, known as the "verification review hack", may involve sellers setting up virtual accounts to buy their own products and shipping them to strangers.
These fake accounts can then be used to give the product 5-
This in turn will help it get a higher ranking in Amazon and Google search.
This is basically a well-designed approach to the game of the Amazon review system, which heavily weighted verified purchases.
But Amazon claims this is not the case.
The company told The Sun: "We investigated every report of customers who received unsolicited packages, and so far our survey shows that there are very few comments related to these goods
"We will continue our efforts to prevent abuse and will ban all vendors and reviewers who abuse the review system.
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