Apple's True Innovation Is Making Tools, Not Toys - new sex toys
NEW YORK (TheStreet)--
Many Apple watchers believe that Apple's new product category (AAPL -Get Report)
Critical to growth.
It has been pointed out that the iPhone has reached saturation and future sales will come from alternatives to existing iPhones ---
Not exactly a growth scenario.
That's why a lot of people are extending Apple to new product categories.
Apple shares closed at $530 on Thursday.
65 per share, down 1.
11% a day, down 5.
So far, 41% years. (
Long-term investors should not worry too much, though. -
It has grown by 3,750% in the past decade. )
When Apple's attitude towards CarPlay becomes apparent, does Apple's stock soar?
This is because investors and analysts may not fully understand the long term.
Long term return on CarPlay. It's a low-
There are not many key, useful solutions for sexual appeal.
Sexy, however, does not guarantee long termterm growth.
Given the non--, what has become clear for some WantIt now
The response to CarPlay is that the real motivation behind the call for innovation is that Apple dreams of something cool that excites geeks, some vague definitions.
This is going to be a bolt-from-the-
Blue, such a breakthrough, competitors will leave a respite for many years.
Apple's customers will shine proud and proud againesteem.
Apple will dominate the market in the next few years, as it did initially on the iPad.
Restore long-term growth.
These days, we need to look at Apple and it's not hard to see that this is a company dedicated to solving deep human problems rather than inventing geek toys.
So what are we really missing?
The problem is not what cool toys can be invented.
The question is: What problems do humans need to solve?
Apple solved a major problem by perfecting the tablet concept.
This has freed us from the technical and security struggle with the classic PC.
The fundamental solution happens to take the same form that captures our imagination and makes us want more.
So if you want to really understand what Apple likes to do, we should think deeply about what will make our life better.
CarPlay allows us to connect better in a highly mobile environment.
Instead of being trapped in our cars by technology designed by toy manufacturers like Mattel (MAT -Get Report)
, We will get something about the human interface from the best companies on Earth. The (rumored)
IWatch seems to be just based on known patents and people Apple has recently hired, and it may not be about Internet data that we can already get with smartphones. As Brian S.
Hall made it clear that the future is a growing number of older people in the world who want to know more about their health and want family doctors to use this information.
IWatch can capture this data.
The concept of IWatch heralds a day when doctors can take advantage of a lot of data about a person's ongoing state.
For example, please read this wonderful article about the future of medicine.
Now, there is no way for doctors to process the stored Fitbit data because there are not enough people to collect the data.
As James Temple has written: the key to all of this will be a device in contact with the body that can record this data in an elegant and useful way.
Recall how chaotic the MP3 player market was before Apple's iPod appeared.
Now apply this unique Apple interrupt scenario to personal health and health monitoring.
In a sense, unexpected technologies like iWatch and CarPlay are boring.
They serve the owner in a quiet but surprising way.
However, they also bring about a revival of thinking, which can lead to breakthroughs in the future.
I predict that the market for bio-feedback and logging will burst as iWatch's support products will help people to help themselves.
Can write books.
The entire website and the new app will work on analyzing and archiving personal health data, which will be collected and analyzed by family doctors soon.
Apple will leverage its experience with iPhone security, including Touch ID, to ensure data is properly protected and processed.
But the new cool toys will surprise others and maybe scare them? Not so much.
At the time of publication, the author was long AAPL.
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