Apps for gay, bisexual men tied to STI risk - sex toys for gay men
By AndrewM.
New York seafarers (Reuters Health)
-A new study shows that gay and bisexual men who use smartphone apps to have sex with other men are at increased risk of some sexually transmitted infections.
The researchers reported in the journal Sexually transmitted infections that men using these apps are more likely to be diagnosed as gonostatic and chlamydia than men who encounter potential partners in other ways.
"We want to make people aware of the risks and benefits of any new technology," said Matthew Beymer . ".
"We just want gay and bisexual men to love safely and with care.
Beymer is the lead author of the study and an epidemiology at the LGBTQ Center in Los Angeles.
He and his colleagues wrote that applications such as Grindr and SCRUFF have become increasingly popular since the launch of gay and bisexual community members in 2009.
These apps are for men who have sex with men and use the smartphone's GPS feature to find others who use the same app nearby.
Similar products exist in people seeking the opposite.
Sexual partners, and women looking for other women.
While people may use these apps for a variety of purposes, many use them to find sexual partners.
On August 2011, the Los Angeles center for gay, bisexual and transgender people began to ask customers
Especially men who have sex with men.
About their use of these types of apps on the health questionnaire.
In this new study, the researchers compared the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Among men who report different types of networks, such as with apps, websites, and in-Staff meeting.
They have data on 7,184 men visiting the clinic from August 2011 to January 2013.
About 34% of men say they only go through in-
For example, in a bar or a gym.
About 22% said they only contacted men through the Internet, and 17% said they only met men through the app.
The rest uses the combination method.
Men who use the app to meet with other men are more likely to detect 25% than men who meet with other men only through in-met
Human interaction
They are 42% more likely to be diagnosed with gonoritis than those used-
Human methods and the Internet.
App users are also about 37% more likely than men who meet with other men to be diagnosed with chlamydia.
However, there is no difference in the likelihood that app users will be diagnosed with HIV or syphilis compared to men who have met their partner through the website or in person.
Beymer said that in this study, there may not be enough HIV and syphilis infections to detect links to these applications.
He told Reuters Health channel that it is difficult to know why app users are more likely to be positive for certain sexually transmitted infections, as there are very few studies investigating men who use the technology.
"We don't necessarily want individuals to stop using these technologies," says Beymer . ".
"As public health professionals, we realize that meeting people will evolve with the development of technology.
"In addition to their original intention, we would like to see these applications used as educational tools," he said . ".
Eric Silverberg, founder of SCRUFF, said in an email that the app has included links to public health resources since 2011.
"In addition, many health agencies use SCRUFF to advertise to our global gay community," he added . ".
The representative of Grindr said in a statement that it cooperates with many HIV viruses
Prevention and awareness organization to raise awareness of safety behavior.
It also has a website (www. grindr. com/health)
Information about STI test options.
"We encourage our users to explore this page to understand the best way to protect themselves and their sexual partners," the statement said . ".
Beymer said researchers would most like to authorize gay and bisexual men to be responsible for their sexual health and to take advantage of existing resources such as sexually transmitted infections counselling services and drugs to prevent HIV transmission. SOURCE: bit.
Ly/SRfxT7 sexually transmitted infection, online on June 12, 2014.