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Are you safe in the Internet of Things? - vibrating sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-20
Are you safe in the Internet of Things?  -  vibrating sex toys for men
The Internet of Things is a popular name for technologies that connect and control devices over the Internet, and it is large and growing.
At present, the estimated number of IoT devices is 4.
It is expected that 9 billion units will increase to 25 billion units by 2020.
IBM has recognized the opportunities for the internet of things, and announced earlier this week that it will invest $3 billion into a new business unit that will focus entirely on developing products and services for the internet of things.
What are the things that make up the internet of things?
Products include cars, refrigerators, coffee machines, TVs, microwaves, fitness bands, thermostats, smartwatches, webcams, photocopiers, medical equipment, and even some sex toys.
So, where are you vulnerable?
The better question may be where are you not vulnerable?
A study by HP security research last year concluded that 70% of the most commonly used IoT devices have serious security defects, of which 90% use unencrypted network services and 70% pass weak passwords
A recent report by the Government Accountability Bureau found that computers that make up the national air traffic control system are vulnerable to hacking.
GAO issued 17 proposals and 168 specific actions to address security weaknesses in security control, including-
What should be obvious
The need to encrypt sensitive data.
As Senator New York has pointed out, the threat here.
Charles Schumer believes that "complex terrorists can even manipulate planes with each other.
The threat of cyber criminals taking over the system will sink your stomach.
"In 2007, former Vice President Dick Cheney was so concerned about hackers that the Internet connection on his pacemaker was disabled.
On 2013, the Food and Drug Administration issued a guide to communication encryption of wireless devices;
However, these guidelines are only recommended and are not required by law.
Many people have realized through an article in the last 60 minutes how easy it is for cars to be hacked and remotely controlled.
On February, the Federal Court filed a lawsuit accusing Toyota, Ford and GM of "deliberately hiding the dangers associated with the car's computer system", which would not only mislead consumers, but also endanger the safety of drivers. Sens.
Ed Markey and Richard Blumental have legislation that requires automakers to better protect the privacy and safety of drivers.
Now, Eric Evenchick, a former Tesla intern, has developed a simple credit-
A $59 card-sized device.
Enable someone to take over the functions of the Internet. connected cars.
The device was created by Evenchick to help researchers identify security holes in Internet systems
Connected cars are also likely to be used by hackers with less ambitious targets.
Even vibrating toys with video features are part of the internet of things, bringing not only the risk that vibrators are remotely controlled, but also video images that users have stolen and used for extortion.
As far as the FTC is concerned, it is taking the dangers posed by the internet of things seriously.
In January, the company released a report urging businesses to take greater action to protect the privacy and security of consumers using IoT products.
The FTC urges companies to establish security for their IoT devices at the initial development stage rather than after-the-fact considerations during the design process.
The report goes on to present several specific steps the company has taken to better protect the privacy and security of its customers.
The advice is that the company informs their customers and provides them with options about the data the company collects through IoT devices.
Recently, the Federal Trade Commission said it was prepared to regulate the internet of things through a new office of technology research and investigation (OTRI)
To protect the privacy and security of consumers.
It will regulate specific areas including cars and new mobile devices.
Payment methods such as Apple Pay.
So how do you protect yourself in this brave new world of internet of things? 1.
Do not store personally identifiable information on any device.
Not even your real name. 2.
Use a unique complex password for all your devices so that all your devices will not be threatened if one device is hacked. 3.
Read fine print to find out what information your device collects and stores and how the manufacturer uses it. 4.
The smartphone is the entrance to the car.
Protect your smartphone with powerful and unique passwords and anti-passwordsvirus and anti-
Malware security software. 5.
Change the default username and password on all home network devices. 6.
Anti-use and updatevirus and anti-
Malware on the home computer network.
As scary as the internet of things may be, with the companies that make these devices and all of us taking better precautions to provide better efforts for security and privacy, the internet of things can become more secure.
Steve Weissman is a lawyer, a professor at Bentley University and one of the leading experts in fraud and identity theft in the country.
He wrote the blog scamicide.
He provides the latest information on the latest scam every day.
His new book, the theft alarm,
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