Arrest Startles Saleswomen of Sex Toys - sex toys for couples
Miller Navarro
The 2004 has "ooooh" and "aaaahh" but does not blush at all.
In a conference room here, about 200 salespeople from a sex toy company called Passion Party gathered to watch a mock demo of how to sell-and use --
A series of new products.
"It's for those nights when he's in a bad mood and you're not in a mood," said Tina Plummer, a representative of Wis Appleton . ".
She showed how to use a pink silicon device called Gigi.
But in the minds of some women, it's not just new products.
The passion party at the annual conference here represents a subset of the sex industry that uses Tupperware
Sexual toys have become the mainstream.
What used to be bought from burly guys behind the counter of the dilapidated porn shop is now available in the living room of teachers, nurses, and grandmothers and Housewives say their business is more educational than entertainment.
So when one of their own sales cadres was recently arrested by two undercover police officers in Burleson, Texas, it shocked them.
Now, she faces a charge of misdemeanor and obscenity that could put her in jail for one year.
No one in the ad was more surprised than the 43-year-old Joanne Webb, whose business had even joined the local chamber of commerce before law enforcement officers received an anonymous call in October.
The advertisement is "ridiculous", she said ".
Webb, married with three children, was welcomed here, embraced and donated to the defense fund.
"The idea of being convicted of such a crime is disgusting. ''Ms.
Weber was accused of violating the national law prohibiting the sale of obscene equipment, which was defined as "design or sale of articles primarily used to stimulate human genital organs ".
"The Johnson County attorney in Texas declined to comment on the case,
Mr. Webb's lawyer in Fort Worth, Ann seesmore, plans to challenge the law, saying it is not constitutional. Ms.
According to the logic of the law, even condoms can be considered obscene devices, Sisemore said. She said Ms.
Webb was in trouble not because she sold items sold by other suppliers in the form of "novelty", but because she explained how to use them.
Many women selling sex toys-
Usually with the product line of lotion, cream and underwear ---
They said they chose the field because it was more fun than selling cosmetics or household items and could make more changes to women's lives.
Wang Xinling Welbourne, 44, information system from Lake Mills, Meteorological Organization.
She said that more than four years ago, she was attracted to a Passion Party by a "frustrated" job of a parole board supervisor, and she was proud of her choice.
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"I have a woman in her 50 s who has never had a climax . "Welbourne said.
Sometimes you want to cry.
But even in the age of women
Orientation Programs and technological advances like HBO's Sex and the city make the prospect of remote areas possible
Under the control of the controllable vibrator, the stigma of the sexual pleasure toy has not completely disappeared.
Susan Clark, 33, who works for a passion party in Seattle, said her engineer husband was "very clear" at first and he didn't want his family to know what she did ---
Or have products in their home.
At that time, she became a commercial, with $41,000 sold to her supporters last year for 3% to 50% of the Commission's products. Now, Ms.
Clark said her husband helped with the loading.
"I can make $200 an hour without undressing," she said . ".
"It's crazy, I don't even have a college degree.
"Part of the reason why business meetings are held here is the high demand.
Delegates attended the sales seminar and listened to a phone call from speakers like Canadian sex expert Sue Johansson --
On a TV show on the Oxygen cable channel, they said they hardly felt besieged because of the MS. Webb's case.
All women guarantee their products. -
A woman called her spouse and partner "vice president of research "---
Some people say they are counting six numbers and there is a lot of market space.
Lisa Carcassonne noted: "Someone is 18 years old every day
The 41-year-old Woodford, a Delaware saleswoman and daughter of a bishop priest, said she recognized what she had done because she was helping the couple stay together
Six other Passion Party reps serve near Burleson, 15 miles south of Fort Worth, but Ms.
Webb said that when her husband's construction industry was in recession, she took on sales to help solve the problem, and she said they had nothing to fear.
She sees her as a goal because of her prominent position as the leader of the Chamber of Commerce and because she likes to wear in-dressthigh mini-skirts.
"My husband is a leg man," she said . "
But she vowed to stick to it.
"Most of my customers are housewives and just want to add some spice to their relationship . "Webb said.
"I do plan on continuing to help women.
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A version of the article appears on page A00012 of the national edition of January 20, 2004, titled: Arrest of women selling sex toys.