At a pizzeria, the dangers of fake news just got all too real - sex ring
The fake news we 've been talking about?
It's all true.
Washington, D. C. C.
The neighborhood was blocked on Sunday as some drugs with guns believed in a false news story that frantically and wrongly linked the nearby pizzeria to a children's sex ring.
You can conclude that Edgar Madison Welch, 28year-
An old man from North Carolina who allegedly walked into the comet table tennis restaurant with assault rifles, pointed to an employee and then fired a shot or a few shots, could be a strange
He told the police that he came to the restaurant for "self"
Investigating "false elections"
Related conspiracy theories linking Hillary Clinton with the child's sexual ring.
But he's not the only one who got caught in this.
A week before the presidential election, the son of a retired lieutenant. Gen. Michael Flynn -
National security adviser to Donald Trump's choice
Share the story of the fake comet table tennis plot.
It was shared by thousands of other people.
A few days later, the retired general himself tweeted a label referring to another false news accusing Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, of using body fluids for satanic rituals.
There, the Satanic ritual stuff lined up directly from the grocery store checkout counter.
Remember when Americans used to laugh at crazy people?
Bad supermarket tabloid story about "Bat Boy!
"The Titanic survivors are still alive ! "
Find the bible of aliens!
They worship Oprah! "?
What was the difference?
Why, after the story of George Bush's meeting with aliens, did a dead man rush to the White House gate with a gun?
Because most people know the source of news.
National Inquiry, news of the world, etc. -
Not serious because of the lack of nutrition, just like the candy bars displayed next to the tabloids.
But in today's social media world, there are plenty of reports of fake news sites that look legitimate.
Stories that sound as ridiculous as alien deltas don't laugh, they're shared by our leaders, generate violent threats, dangerous reactions, and bleed in the worst case.
In an era where we have more access to more information than ever before, we are more and more willing to believe in crazy
And share with others.
What happened at Ping was not the first time we saw the real consequences of the tampered with news phenomenon.
A year ago, a video
Created by people who lie, plan, and plot to have the doctor talk about the graphic details of her work while secretly recording-
In the head of Robert Lewis.
He stormed a family planning clinic in Colorado.
Dear, after allegedly killing three people, I used the phrase "there is no baby part anymore --
A policeman, an Iraqi war veteran and a mother of two children
Nine people were injured in the shooting.
After watching a video of a carefully edited family planning executive talking about the organization to donate from a aborted fetus, the grandstanding Congressman fed him the "baby part" line. (
They must have forgotten that fetal tissue has been used for important medical research since the 1930 s and has helped to produce polio, measles and measles vaccines. )
The video was made under false excuses and, after a lot of editing, will never meet the standards of legitimate news organizations.
The false investigation ended in hours of congressional hearings, a budget crisis in many states for family planning, and the deaths of the three in Colorado.
Five years ago, it was not fake news, but the same careless use of language that incited the same terrible violence.
Supporters of Sarah Palin have released a map with the goal of a constituency of 20 House Democrats and have urged people: "Don't Retreat, Instead --RELOAD! '" Former Rep.
Member Gifford D-
Arizona, on the map, as soon as it was posted online, her office was destroyed and criticized it.
"We're on Sarah Palin's list of targets, but the problem is that the way she described it had cross-hairs for gun aiming in our area, and Gifford told MSNBC at the time.
"When people do this, they must be aware of the consequences of this action. " On Jan.
2011, the consequences are chilling: Jared Loughner appeared with a gun outside the Tucson supermarket, where Gifford was greeting voters, killing six people and injuring more than 20 others,
Still, as the funeral is taking place and Gifford is in intensive care, Palin supporters insist that the cross-star never mentions guns. Words matter.
This disregard for common sense and responsibility makes GE Teng
The educated leaders we have today are willing to believe in conspiracy theories about children's sexual rings and satanic rituals
Story online
America, hurry up.
The owner of the Comet Ping Comet endured the death threat for several weeks.
Phone calls, information, tracking staff and staff were harassed.
They were all dissatisfied with the relentless attack.
They then face real attacks that shock a business and a community.
"Let me make it clear in no uncertain terms: These stories are completely and completely wrong, and neither of them has a factual basis," wrote owner James alevantes, sunday night on his Comet Facebook page.
There was no FBI investigation, and there was no revocation by the New York Police Department. None of that.
"What is happening today shows that promoting false and reckless conspiracy theories can have consequences," Alefantis wrote . ".
"I want those involved in inciting these flames to take a moment to think about what is happening here today and to stop promoting these lies immediately.
"Those who run our social media companies and Internet search engines need to find a way to help a gullible country distinguish between fake and real news.
Let's Convince America of the facts again.