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Auctioneers expect a rousing reaction as a rare, Victorian sex toy made for a wealthy wife as a gift from her loving husband goes up for sale - adult sex toys online

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-27
Auctioneers expect a rousing reaction as a rare, Victorian sex toy made for a wealthy wife as a gift from her loving husband goes up for sale  -  adult sex toys online
At today's auction, there is an item that may make people's hearts beat faster, that is, ivory.
Dressed in Victorian sex toys, antiques from rich BritainIrish family.
The relaxation of sexual intercourse in this historical period may not be well known, but it was actually invented by Victorian doctors as a way of treating "hysterical" women. And this hand-
The design of the ivory carving is thought to have been created by a husband in her 1840 s for his wife, with a hidden container where she can keep one of his lock hair.
This ivory clip between a set of decanter labels and some miniature portraits of antiques is expected to sell for € 500-
Matthews Auction House in Meath County, Ireland is 800 euros.
It is described in the brochure as an "antique, carved ivory lady companion, leather padded suitcase with scarlet red lining, with embedded inclined glass panel ".
The work was carved to show the folds of the skin, carving a heart at the bottom of the woman's finger.
It even has a hole.
She can lock her lover's hair outside.
The auctioneer Damien DoNews told The Irish Times: "This is a beautiful work from a well --known Anglo-Irish families.
A family member found it and they decided to sell it for a bit of fun.
The original owner was in India in his 1840 s, where he shot an elephant and took Ivory home, he said.
He said: "It is a very open-minded family, and it will be a very loving gift from husband to wife.
Sex toys are very popular in Victorian times.
But for a strange medical reason
Doctors in this period believe that anxious and nervous women can be cured by massaging patients by doctors and putting them in a state of "hysteria --
Or today is called climax.
Massage toys were invented by Victorian doctors.
Not for entertainment.
But let their hands take a break from the performance technique.
Mr. Matthews, the auctioneer, said that he had never seen anything similar in his 25 years of work.
He told the Irish Times: "You do receive Victorian mass often, but there is no such thing as this.
"In Victorian times, you have to remember that there are very few people who can indulge or create this kind of thing.
Ninety-nine countries across the country are trying to do so, so there may be 400 or 500 families in the country.
It is not only a pornographic work, it is also an art work, but also a fascinating social history.
So far, it has attracted a lot of interest.
The guiding price is set at 500 euros-€800.
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