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Bay Area teacher reportedly asks students to snap selfies with parents' sex toys - adult sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-04
Bay Area teacher reportedly asks students to snap selfies with parents\' sex toys  -  adult sex toys for women
A teacher in the Bay Area is doing a dangerous homework in hot water: The report requires students and parents to take selfies with sex toys.
Extra-curricular activities of teachers
According to KPIX, credit allocation requires encial high school students to look for condoms, sex toys or anything provocative in their parents' vanity drawer and take selfiesTV.
It is not clear whether any students have actually handed in their homework or what the teacher may have done in his homework.
I don't know which class this is, why.
School district spokesman Susan Davis said that when high school officials heard about the teacher's homework, they contacted the administrators of the alamida United School District, which launched an investigation into the allegations.
She said that the teacher's grade books have been checked and parents and students have also been interviewed.
The teacher was taken off because of these charges.
"We take such reports seriously," Davis said . ".
"We know that it is very difficult for the public, and especially parents, to hear that we cannot talk openly about the details of the investigation.
However, in order to protect the rights of all relevant personnel and maintain the integrity of the investigation, this information must be kept confidential.
"Although the investigation is still in progress, parents ask for the dismissal of the teacher.
District officials expect their investigation to end next week, but by then the school will end this year.
"We know people have a lot of problems," David said . "
"We also have problems and are doing our best to understand the truth about this matter.
"For the breaking news in California, please pay attention to Judge @ veronicarochalso of the Atlanta school cheating case, she said before
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