Beer, wine and some rubber - lifestyle vibrating ring

At a national art center in the outskirts of Chandigarh, an interesting drinking place opened last month.
Call it a condom.
At the gate, a tall Sikh was standing guard to intercept underage customers.
Although it has a magnetic name, there is something spreading outside of it.
Like the cover of a government brochure.
But it attracts a steady stream of customers.
As of last year, it earned three times as much as the bar.
A huge brass door leads to a well
There is a bar serving condoms and beer.
However, it is difficult to see preventive factors at first glance.
That's the problem, said Lalit Sharma, chief executive of the Chandigarh federal region, who is equivalent to the governor's advisor.
"It has nothing to do with entertainment," he fully supports the bar established by Chandigarh industrial and Tourism Development Corporation (CITCO)
As part of its tourism initiative.
On the back wall of the bar, on the top of the wine box is a long wooden board with hundreds of colored condoms glued to it
Face up with a triangular pattern.
There are places on the table filled with safe information such as "don't get on the bus ". Get it on.
"There is something quite rich in the bar, with woven chairs, apparently blonde --
Built-in oak display cabinetin European-
Like light and warm, low
There has been a heated conversation among most male clients. Its English-
Working here is not for free condoms, but because it is the government's job.
The bar is like a new girl at school.
Everyone has to visit at least once to report to the force.
Most customers are professionals, men hiding behind the company's formal attire.
Their attitude is like in another bar, but when they talk about condoms they become giggling. A balding 28-year-
Old Bachelor Amit Singra came here for the second time and brought his roly-
Get a bachelor's friend and have a few drinks in mannish.
"This is on the way home," he said . ".
They never bought free condoms, but they did stare at them.
Look carefully. condoms are everywhere.
They appear in the logo of the bar, which depicts an AIDS ribbon intertwined with condoms --
The logo is available on uniforms, menu cards, glasses, souvenir shirts and mugs.
When journalists tried to give them some free condoms that they did not dare to pick up or ask for, they nervously refused.
"They're not our brand," one of them said . "
"Oh, it's okay. they can give you another one.
"Can you ask them for us ? "
"At a nearby table of bachelors, an NRI Indian sat there with his mobile phone --number-
He swore that he did not know that he had entered a condom bar.
"This is the first time I know what kind of place this is, just after you asked us this question," Jassi Singh said . " Graphic designer from Sydney.
After living in Australia, he was still embarrassed to be caught in a condom bar.
Later, he accepted a pack of condoms and a vibration ring accessory with them on the table.
No one here wants to go to the free condom bowl sitting in the bar.
Jasbir Singh Bir, general manager of CITCO, said that this embarrassment of Indian men is the main reason for the opening of the bar
Government agencies.
"We want
Stigma of condoms
"Yes, they want to make money too, but the fight against AIDS is more than just a sensational branding campaign.
While there were no moral protests or requests to close the premises, Bill said he was harassed by threatening phone calls.
After all, some people are obviously angry.
At the initial planning stage, they want to have a social cause that can be supported and an idea that is attractive enough to produce an automatic response.
The condom bar opened six months later.
This is a clever idea that gave birth to the 900 network.
Link about this place.
At the condom bar, there are other customers who are surprised that this has not happened in Mumbai.
"This kind of bar is needed in other cities.
"This message needs to be communicated on the road," Anurag Puri said . ".
He and his wife, Dr. Richa Puri, are the only couple here.
When they use the word "condom", they don't lower their voices.
Dr. Jairaj Phanekar, chief executive health officer, Brahanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)
I am not very optimistic that such a bar will come to Mumbai.
"The impact of such a place needs to be known that there will be confusion if such a place is open.
"So in the end, we prefer to avoid headaches," he said . ".
BMC tries to install condom vending machines around the city, movie theaters, public toilets, hospitals, phone booths, restaurants and train stations.
There was some anger at these machines.
"How can this city accept condom bars if it can't accept condom machines.
"The condom bar is not the first such bar in the world.
For example, there is a cabbage and condom in Bangkok.
But the bold bar in Chandigarh has attracted the attention of the international community.
Frank Deros, who is in charge of the condom program, is a non-
The Washington, DC-based profit education organization came here three weeks ago to study the Chandigarh model.
He plans to open a similar bar in Ethiopia.