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Behold: The First Sex Toy On Kickstarter Is For Women, By Women - sexy toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-12
Behold: The First Sex Toy On Kickstarter Is For Women, By Women  -  sexy toys for women
As the Motherboard points out, the crowd
Many expect to see the funded "sex toy revolution" in the past few years encounter some obstacles and stagnation in the process.
However, less than two months after Indiegogo launched its sexy after dark series, a new product has just become the first in history --
Sex toys on Kickstarter--
Looks great.
Fin seems to be a fairly simple vibrator, but don't let it mislead you with a subtle look.
Align with DAME's mission to deliver better and more happiness
Designed for women, Fin is suitable for the fingertips of any adult (
No matter whether there is a smooth seat belt)
Let the pursuit of happiness become a revolutionary intuition, women
Facing, very hands-on affair.
CEO of DAME products, a loyal sex educator and innovator Alexandra Finn explained by email that Fin's historic Kickstarter campaign was the result of an honest conversation with the crowd --funders.
"When we started the new campaign, we drafted a letter to their team on why we were the one if they allowed the sex toy company to join . ""They [were]
Passion for product ideas and our products ,[and]
It also shows that they believe in our mission to listen to the needs of women and to narrow the ongoing "happy divide "--
Especially in most men.
Leading industry.
"See also: How the 'niche' sex toy market developed into an unstoppable 15B industrial Lady's former toy Eva, which also paved the way for Fin's Kickstarter victory.
Back in 2014, hand
The free clit vibrator runs $800,000 on Indiegogo, while the company has managed to put a lot of Eva pre-
Orders within seven months after the event.
The popularity of Eva and most of the reviews are not entirely surprising because of the carefully carved vibrators-
In my opinion, this is the only one in the sea of Jack Hammer.
Just like a toy, it rings gently. -is delightful.
About the unprecedented crowd of Fin
Fine also pointed out that this cooperation is an "important step" in changing consumer behavior"-
Maybe any other tech giant is running the show. -
Think about sex toys.
"These products are mainstream in use (
About 50% of women use them)
They should be allowed on mainstream channels . "
She noted that Kickstarter approved DAME's proposal on the grounds that her team was "creators" like anyone else ".
See also: Meet Buck
OFF: Fine MenNevertheless's first personality toy, says the struggle to build a bridge between $15
The billion sex toy industry, including women, and more traditional investors and innovators are continuing. For products.
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