Bisexual concurrency, bisexual partnerships, and HIV among Southern African men who have sex with men - anal sex kit

Abstract objective sexual behavior of men who have sex with men (MSM)
Little research has been done in southern Africa.
Here we present the first data of the bisexual partnership and bisexual concurrency between men who have sex in Malawi, Namibia and Botswana. Method Cross
Using structured survey tools and quick-segmented probes for 537 convenient samples of men who had reported anal sex with another man
AIDS screening kitResults 34.
1% of men who have sex with men are married or have stable female partners, 53.
Over the past six months, 7% reported sexual partners for men and women.
Bisexual concurrency is common with 16.
6% of men have sex with men and women at the same time.
In the binary analysis, any bisexual partnership is associated with a lower level of education (OR 1. 6, 95% CI 1. 1 to 2. 3)
High condom usage rate (OR 6. 6, 95% CI 3. 2 to 13. 9)
The possibility of having tested HIV is small (OR 1. 6, 95% CI 1. 1 to 2. 3)
Less likely to disclose sexual orientation to the family (OR 0. 47, 95% CI 0. 32 to 0. 67)
And more likely to receive money for casual sex (OR 1. 9, 95% CI 1. 3 to 2. 7).
Bisexual and associated with higher self
Reporting condom use (OR 1. 7, 95% CI 1. 0 to 3. 1)
Employed (OR 1. 8, 95% CI 1. 2 to 2. 9)
, The possibility of disclosure of sexual orientation to the family is low (OR 0. 37, 95% CI 0. 22 to 0. 65)
And paid for sexual relations with men (OR 2. 0, 95% CI 1. 2 to 3. 2).
Conclusion most of the men who have sex with men in this study have reported some bisexual partnerships in the past 6 months.
It is common to have two sexual partners concurrent.
It is encouraging to note that any male reporting simultaneous bisexuals is more likely to report condom use with sexual partners, who are less likely to be infected with HIV than those who only report male partners. HIV-
Prevention programmes focusing on reducing concurrent sexual partners in the African context should also target bisexuals among men who have sex with men.
Same non-criminal crime
Sex increases evidencebased HIV-
Prevention programmes for men who have sex with men.
Objective sexual behavior of men who have sex with men (MSM)
Little research has been done in southern Africa.
Here we present the first data of the bisexual partnership and bisexual concurrency between men who have sex in Malawi, Namibia and Botswana.
Method Cross
Using structured survey tools and quick-segmented probes for 537 convenient samples of men who had reported anal sex with another man
AIDS screening kitResults 34.
1% of men who have sex with men are married or have stable female partners, 53.
Over the past six months, 7% reported sexual partners for men and women.
Bisexual concurrency is common with 16.
6% of men have sex with men and women at the same time.
In the binary analysis, any bisexual partnership is associated with a lower level of education (OR 1. 6, 95% CI 1. 1 to 2. 3)
High condom usage rate (OR 6. 6, 95% CI 3. 2 to 13. 9)
The possibility of having tested HIV is small (OR 1. 6, 95% CI 1. 1 to 2. 3)
Less likely to disclose sexual orientation to the family (OR 0. 47, 95% CI 0. 32 to 0. 67)
And more likely to receive money for casual sex (OR 1. 9, 95% CI 1. 3 to 2. 7).
Bisexual and associated with higher self
Reporting condom use (OR 1. 7, 95% CI 1. 0 to 3. 1)
Employed (OR 1. 8, 95% CI 1. 2 to 2. 9)
, The possibility of disclosure of sexual orientation to the family is low (OR 0. 37, 95% CI 0. 22 to 0. 65)
And paid for sexual relations with men (OR 2. 0, 95% CI 1. 2 to 3. 2).
Conclusion most of the men who have sex with men in this study have reported some bisexual partnerships in the past 6 months.
It is common to have two sexual partners concurrent.
It is encouraging to note that any male reporting simultaneous bisexuals is more likely to report condom use with sexual partners, who are less likely to be infected with HIV than those who only report male partners. HIV-
Prevention programmes focusing on reducing concurrent sexual partners in the African context should also target bisexuals among men who have sex with men.
Same non-criminal crime
Sex increases evidencebased HIV-
Prevention programmes for men who have sex with men.
Introductory concurrency, with multiple personality partner sexual patterns, has been identified in some studies as a key driver of high HIV prevalence in the southern SubregionSaharan Africa.
One report from South Africa, Malawi, Botswana and Zambia agreed that more than one report (generally two)
Regular and ongoing sexual partnerships seem to contribute to the spread of HIV in sexual networks and to maintain an ongoing chain of transmission.
2-4 several authors, including Kerk, had hinted at the Labor model in southern Africa as early as 1940 s, especially in the mining industry during the apartheid period, as a result of encouraging concurrent patterns of sexual relations and promoting the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STI).
5 The classic model developed is that immigrant men have a major partner in their home community, and then a second simultaneous partner for their work.
In South Africa itself, the era of apartheid has passed laws that make travel difficult and rare for African men, encouraging women in family communities who may only see their husbands for a few weeks a year, to sustain livelihoods, companionship and protection, and to develop relationships at the same time.
These patterns are common in southern Africa, where labor migration between men and women is followed
Period of apartheid
These concurrent sexual partnerships are primarily or exclusively heterosexual in African settings.
For men, 2-4 concurrency almost means having two concurrent female partners in their lives and two concurrent males for women.
1 men who have sex with other men (MSM)
There are very few studies and very few reports in Africa, and their existence is often denied.
In fact, 30 years after the AIDS epidemic in Africa, only about 12 African countries have studied the components of the risk of male sex.
The concurrency of these men, especially the concurrent partners of men and women, is rarely studied, although several studies of African men who have sex with men show that, in the past, the rate of sexual relations reported with male and female partners was high.
Several Kenyan studies of men who have sex with men show a high percentage of bisexual couples.
In a study of 500 men having sex in Nairobi, 23% individuals
It is reported that 69% reported having sex with women, and 14% are currently married or have married women.
It is reported that bisexuals are also common among men who have sex with men in Senegal, although little is known about the prevalence of bisexual co-existing partnerships.
Of the 463 men who had sex in a study in Senegal, 94 were interviewed.
1% reported having sex with women, and about 10% reported having married women.
The average number of female sexual partners in a lifetime is 4 (IQR 2–9); 74.
1% had at least one female partner in the previous year, and more than 30% reported more than three female partners.
In another Senegalese study, 88% of the 250 men who had sex with men reported sex with women, 20% of whom reported anal sex, 21% reported having sex with women, and 13% reported having sex with women.
15. we have recently conducted a series of relevant epidemiology surveys in three southern African countries: Malawi, Namibia and Botswana to investigate the risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men and the sex between these men
We evaluated the stability partnership with male and female partners.
We have identified and reported here a phenomenon in Africa that has not been reported before, and we call it bisexual concurrency: men maintain a stable and ongoing sexual partnership with another man and a woman.
Methods we have previously reported the methods of parental research.
To put it simply, in 2008, we conducted a series of cross-cutting
Malawi, Namibia and Botswana were reported to have sex with another man in a sub-anonymous investigation.
In every country, we work with local human rights organizations to establish contacts with the LGBT community.
Outreach staff were trained to use structured survey tools and to obtain oral informed consent.
Participants were recruited by snowballing sampling, with a target of 200 adult males gay at each location, defined as males aged 18 or over, who reported having occurred with another male
HIV screening was performed using the OraQuick saliva rapid test kit.
Short educational courses were provided to men and they were advised to seek confirmed HIV testing, but no results of saliva screening were reported, as these screening were not for epidemiology purposes, it is also to protect participants to the maximum extent. (Same-
In these three countries, sex between agreed adult men remains a criminal act. )
Key informant interviews were used to develop on-site protocols and structured survey tools.
The instrument was on site.
Test on each site and adapt to the local language.
Areas include history of sexual behavior with men, sex with women, use of condoms, history of sexually transmitted infections, history of drug use, immigration status, history of HIV testing and stigma, discrimination and human rights violations
Gay men are defined as men with a lifetime anal history with another man, choosing to recruit men at risk of HIV infection and ensuring that there is sufficient authority to assess the prevalence of unprotected anal sex, instead of including all men who have sex with men, some of them may not have anal sex with other men.
The bisexual partnership is defined as having sex with at least one man and one woman in the last 6 months.
Bisexual concurrency is defined as maintaining ongoing sexual relationships with male and female partners.
Marriage is defined as gay men who marry women.
The sample size estimation of the analytical method is based on the risk associated with unprotected anal sex (UAI).
Suppose UAI increased the risk of HIV transmission by 80%, with a significant level of 0.
Power of 05 and 80%, the minimum necessary sample size to assess UAI risk is 150 males per site.
Descriptive statistics were used for population, identity and human rights variables.
Associations with HIV, bisexuals and bisexuals were assessed using a single variable or t-test.
A multivariate logistic regression model was developed for independent associations of HIV status, bisexuals and bisexuals.
Local IRBs in each country and IRB at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins approved ethical approvals.
The sample size estimation of the analytical method is based on the risk associated with unprotected anal sex (UAI).
Suppose UAI increased the risk of HIV transmission by 80%, with a significant level of 0.
Power of 05 and 80%, the minimum necessary sample size to assess UAI risk is 150 males per site.
Descriptive statistics were used for population, identity and human rights variables.
Associations with HIV, bisexuals and bisexuals were assessed using a single variable or t-test.
A multivariate logistic regression model was developed for independent associations of HIV status, bisexuals and bisexuals.
Local IRBs in each country and IRB at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins approved ethical approvals.
Demographics of the study sample have been described.
In short, most of the participants received at least secondary education, about the following
It is reported that half of the samples are currently in use.
Participants in these three countries tend to be young, with an average age of between 24 and 26. Self-
The sexual orientation reported by different countries varies greatly, and the participants themselves
Reporting in Namibia as heterosexual (19. 4%—42/216, p