‘Boner Garage’ posts a window into the world of sexualised young women online - anal sex toys for guys

PornHub, a video-sharing website, has published data about visitors 'habits.
Australian porn viewers seem to be quite fanatical, and our country ranks eighth in the world.
The effect of pornography on the body of young women.
Photo: Japanese porn star Rola Misaki.
Experts say teenage girls are copying what they see in pornography and seeking treatment from family doctors for injuries during "rough sex.
They see this as part of the dark side of the Internet's epochal nature.
The problem is, young people --
Boys and Girls
Watching videos that do not reflect "normal" sexual relations.
Young men watch porn depicting scenes of rape, slavery, torture and befriend, and expect young women to do the same level of pornography in their lives.
Susan McLean, federal network
The security adviser told Australia that GPS is treating children who are injured by forced sex.
"I asked the GPs to tell me that young girls get hurt when they are forced or forced to do things in porn videos," she said . ".
"In a normal circle, they don't see anything --
What they see is rape, slavery, torture and befriend.
The girls in the video all seem to like it, so the girls think that's sex.
The police also understand the dangers.
Victoria Police supports an Australian project called Reality and Risk, which looks at the harm of children's exposure to pornography.
A young woman named Sarah, who tells her story for the project, said: "When boys start having sex, they imagine porn.
Boys and girls have the way they want.
Girls like porn movies, so boys think girls like it.
They don't want to ask (
Do girls like it).
They just did it and wanted her to accept it and I'm sure some girls would because it was embarrassing to refuse.
Disturbing photos appeared last week, with a young woman tattooed on her stomach with the words "Boner Garage" and the down arrow.
Rough slogan copied from a scene of Ma Yun
According to The Australian, 2013 Jennifer Aniston films, we are the Miller, even have their own label on Instagram and are popular with teenage girls.
A young woman showed off her tattoo.
Source: The role of SuppliedA in We Are the Miller.
Source: according to reality and risk, more than 60 boys and girls watched pornography online.
More than one of these videos includes personal attacks.
Alison Pearson, London's Daily Telegraph columnist, wrote earlier this year that young women are engaging in sex that their bodies are "not designed for" at all.
She said that a general practitioner who spoke with her admitted that an increasing number of teenage girls are being treated for internal injuries caused by frequent anal intercourse, "not because (they)
Think, or because (they)enjoyed it —
Because a boy is looking forwardthem)to”.
Dr. Megan Taylor, a researcher at the University of RMIT, told the news. com.
The industry has to take most of the responsibility because they are so focused on young women.
"The main focus of the industry as a whole is on the age of women, not the age of men," she said . ".
"We also know that from mid-term pornto-
The 1990 s have become more hardcore.
We see a lot of young women complaining about the mainstream of suffocation.
Experts warn that young people force women to imitate what they see online.
Source: Getty ImagesDr Tyler says research has shown that women suffer from incontinence due to anal sex and that they feel "uncomfortable" with the assumption becoming "normal ".
"This is a cruel material reality for the lives of these young women.
"Injuries are physical, but young women are also hurt in other ways.
Melbourne child psychologist
Greg says kids still in elementary school are taking and sharing photos of their naked classmates --
Imitate what they saw online.
In one case, 12-year-
An 11-year-old boyyear-
Mr. Carr, the old girl and "send it to 21 partners"Gregg said.
He may be prosecuted for possession and access to child pornography.
Dr. Taylor said it was not easy to solve the problem, but now is the time for educators to have more realistic conversations with young people about what they see online.
"You can't pretend that porn doesn't exist," she said . ".
"I think we have made some progress in the public discussion about it (but)
We need to start talking about more serious and comprehensive sex education.