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Can gays raise healthy kids? U.S. marriage trial asks - sex toys for gay men

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-16
Can gays raise healthy kids? U.S. marriage trial asks  -  sex toys for gay men
On Friday, a British child psychologist told an American child psychologist that children raised by gay couples have developed as well as children raised by traditional couples. S.
The Federal Court is considering whether California's ban on same-sex marriage denies constitutional rights.
In the testimony, whether the number or gender of paedophile priests and parents is the most important core topic.
Counsel David Thompson, who defended the ban, competed with Michael Lamb, head of social and developmental psychology at the University of Cambridge, on whether children who grew up without a father or mother would face development issues.
Two gay men and two lesbians have asked the Federal Court to rule that there is no exception to the right to marry under U. S. lawS.
Constitution, they want to bring this fight to the United StatesS.
The Supreme Court tried to overturn the same ban.
Same-sex marriage in 40 states
A key question in this case is whether the government and the United StatesS.
Voters, there's a reasonable reason to deny the same-
Sexual partners are entitled to marriage if the ban reflects discrimination and hatred, such as promoting healthier families.
The record of evidence collected by Federal District Chief Justice Vaughan Walker, including whether homosexuality is a good parent, may be heavily relied upon by the Court of Appeal, this usually does not have as much time to review the case as the original trial did.
Walker asked one of the most striking questions of the time.
The paedophile priests made suggestions about the ability of gay people to raise children.
"You have testified that there is no reason to protect children from lesbian and gay men," Walker said . ".
"How do you relate your statement to this phenomenon," the judge asked . ".
"I don't want to convey the fact that homosexuality will never abuse children, but they are more likely to abuse children than straight people," Lamb replied . ".
Same witness-
Lamb believes that for healthy children, the quality of the relationship between the child and the parents, the relationship between the parents and the financial resources available to the family are the primary issues
Not the gender or sexual preference of the parents.
As they grow up with their children, they have no problem with their sexual identity or other developments --
The way sex parents, fathers and mothers interact with their children is not as important as having two parents, he said.
"When children have two parents, they obviously benefit and they are all actively involved," Lamb said . ".
When asked if the parent-child interaction was not the same, he replied, "it is now clear that these differences themselves do not significantly affect the child's adaptation . ".
Thompson questioned the effectiveness of dozens of studies. “Dr.
Thompson told the judge that Lamb likes to talk about this rich and deep literary work and that he does not have any research on married, biological parents, "the best option to raise a child.
Instead, married and unmarried heterosexual couples were studied, and Lamb admitted that this often happens.
But Lamb said the conclusions were correct and pointed out a new study based on the overall U. S.
Census data show that children raised by gay couples are unlikely to be shut out of school.
Supporters of the gay marriage ban will present their own witnesses later in the trial and try to show that there is good reason to believe that gay parents will endanger their children.
On November 2008, the ban, known as Proposal No. 8, was passed, shocking gay advocates in the United States and ending the same result --
Same-sex marriage in California, which the Supreme Court of California had legalized that summer.
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