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cdc: dip in oral sex among teens, but numbers still high - male anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-02
cdc: dip in oral sex among teens, but numbers still high  -  male anal sex toys
The National Center for Health Statistics is a department of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and data released today shows that between 2002 and 2010, the overall decline in oral sex among adolescents, it is reflected that there is a similar small decline in vaginal intercourse in the same age group.
Female oral sex has declined, but the number of men engaged in this behavior is the same.
Experts say
Of all young people aged 15 to 24, 30 have had oral sex, and the federal government says it is a dangerous act that leads to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Report "Prevalence and timing of oral sex with the opposite sex
Sexual partners of women and men aged 15
24: The United States, "including data from the CDC's National Household growth survey.
The data came from 6,346 interviews with young people between the ages of 15 and 19 from 2007, excluding married men, and reported that 41% of women and 47% of men had oral sex. Forty-
3% of the girls in the group performed oral sex, while 35% of the boys performed oral sex.
For men and women between the ages of 20 and 24, this figure has all risen: 81% of women and 80% of men have performed oral sex.
According to a fact sheet from CDC 2009, some data suggest that many teenagers perform oral sex because they think oral sex is safer and retain their virginity.
"There was a time in our culture when the president suggested that oral sex was not sex, and to some extent it was still our business," said Jeffrey Michaelson of Vienna, va.
Psychologists specializing in sexual behavior
"To be frank, sexual intercourse is considered to be more intimate, this is the last step in the baseball analogy," said Michaelson . ".
"There's a whole mystery about what's good, what's bad, but it's all self-delusion.
"From my point of view, any exchange of body fluid, touch, touch or wake up, that is, sex," he said . ".
As a result of the increase in sexually transmitted diseases, the CDC is increasingly interested in these data, including the surge in HIV infection rates among men aged 13 to 29.
Although the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS through oral sex is lower than vaginal or anal sex, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, transmission rates of genital herpes, syphilis and syphilis are much higher.
Some studies have found that the increase in oral cancer in the United States is related to human hpv, which researchers attribute to the prevalence of oral sex.
One of the findings from the NCHS report is those teenagers who have had oral sex, only 5 years old.
Women 1%, 6.
5% of the men stopped there.
The vast majority of 15-to 24-year-
The old people continue to have vaginal intercourse.
These findings highlight previous studies that found oral sex to be a powerful indicator of sexual intercourse.
A 2010 study in the Pediatric Adolescent medical file suggests that adolescents who perform oral sex may continue to have vaginal sex shortly after the first oral sex.
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of California, Merced, found that half of the teenagers who performed oral sex in grade 9 may start sexual intercourse in grade 11.
The person who has the most active sex will have sex within six months.
Deborah Tolman, a professor of psychology at Hunter College in New York City and former director of the Gender and Sexuality Research Center at San Francisco State University, said the latest statistics did not surprise her.
But the numbers are not as important as "what does it mean," says Tollman. . . .
Why do they make these choices? what kind of experience is this?
For the work of prevention programs, a cultural attitude towards dangerous behavior needs to be understood, says Tolman. Non-
White Hispanic women report more frequent oral sex (69 percent)than non-
Black Hispanic women (63 percent)
Or female Hispanic (59 percent).
"The differences between race and ethnicity are not biological," she said . ".
"This is about meaning.
Why do people choose different behaviors in different cultures?
She is also concerned about the gender imbalance between "who gets" oral sex.
"To support security decisions, we have to recognize the meaning of these actions and how the relationship between the opposite sex is negotiated," Tollman said . ".
"Our girls need to know that they have the right to make a choice," she said . ".
"They act under various forms of pressure ---
Relationship and emotional stress.
Psychologist Michael son says the new report highlights the importance of sex education.
"What we are against is everything these kids see in the movie, and the comfort and discomfort their parents have when they talk to them," he said . ".
"In all the ads, we said, 'talk to your child about drugs.
Where is the advertisement for "talking about sex with your child?
"For teenagers, in general, less than onethird --
29% for women and 28% for men-
According to the report, I have no sexual experience with the opposite sex at all.
But according to Michaelson, the figures could be misleading, saying teenagers are notorious for being dishonest about sex.
"There are also myths and truths in high school," he said . ".
"Are everyone doing it? . . .
Some of my friends lied to me.
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