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CES 2014: OhMiBod Unveils New App-Controlled Vibrator - vibrator sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-08
CES 2014: OhMiBod Unveils New App-Controlled Vibrator  -  vibrator sex toy
At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
Sex toy maker ohmibot announced the latest app today-more suitable for next week's adult entertainment fair
Controllable vibrator
This particular vibrator, named "blueMotion", is sold as a discreet way to keep customers happy at all times.
BlueMotion will start selling in the third quarter for $129.
"For some couples, the outbreak of the digital age has led to a shift in intimacy, because many people pay more attention to equipment than their partners," co-
Founder of Ohmibot
"BlueMotion breaks these virtual barriers by encouraging couples to use technology to interact physically and emotionally.
Whenever emotions appear, they can experience the pleasure and complete judgment of the infinite vibration mode.
The "small" wearable "vibrator uses Bluetooth to connect to ohmibot's free Android or iOS app, enabling users to control the vibration of the device in a number of ways.
Users can create their own vibration mode, or they can use the built-in-
In the recording function, the ambient sound can be recorded for up to 60 seconds and then used to generate vibration.
"BlueMotion's recording function means that there are unlimited possibilities for both singles and couples," Dunham said . ".
"Users can enjoy the sounds of their partners or the vibrations generated by their favorite beats anytime, anywhere.
Features like this put blueMotion in the classroom of wearable technology.
"BlueMotion is the latest in a range of ohmibot products that can vibrate with music.
As shown in the Apple iPod imitation advertisement below, the company released its first audio
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