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Jane Wells-Return Transcript
Mitchell's battle of wisdom, Jody Arias Cross
The test aired on February 27, 2013
ETTHIS is a hurried transcript.
This copy may not be in final form and may be updated. JANE VELEZ-
Host Mitchell: Jody Arias has had a grueling trial in the stands that brought her into conflict with prosecutors.
Jody claims that she used it to stab Travis 29 times, and that the knife that cut his throat and ears was used to catch, because Travis had just cut the rope with that knife, just before she killed him, he used to tie her to the bed in a weird sex. Really? (Start Video)VELEZ-MITCHELL (voice-over);
Tonight, three. X-
One day in the trial of jody arias.
When enthusiastic prosecutor Juan Martinez spoke to Jody on a talk and text message with Travis Alexander, the factors of blushing surged.
From masturbation to spanking, there is nothing on the table.
Jodi admits that she is more than willing to participate in all the steaming sex she has had with Travis.
Did the prosecutor tear up Jodi's allegations of abuse and feel like a prostitute?
We'll ask the former Hollywood lady Jody "baby" Gibson what she thinks about their quirky sexual relationship.
We will have a debate with our panel of experts.
Also, I'll talk to Jodi Arias's male BFF, who wants to respond to a shocking new tabloid report.
Murder Defendant jodi arias (via phone)
You have another agenda.
Prosecutor Juan Martinez: you really enjoyed sex. ARIAS (on camera)
He has a lot of attractive qualities.
Martinez: "Oh, yes. I want to (
Delete dirty words)
You like a little girl who is dirty and horny.
"The three of you have sex. ARIAS:No.
Martinez: "So maybe you can give it to me (
Delete dirty words)a too-much-
Heavy hits are also needed.
"We know people don't lie, do they?
Murder victim Travis Alexandervia phone)
I never had before I met you (
Delete dirty words).
Arias: not the same, so no.
I recorded it and we created it together. (via phone)
Like you, a weird person.
Martinez: "If you are a lucky boy, you promise to give me a good, good --
"Well, you enjoyed it too, did you? ARIAS (via phone)
You make me feel good.
I basically think about having sex with you every day. (on camera)
He comforted me in this way.
Alexander: I will tie you to a tree and put it on you (
Delete dirty words). (END VIDEOTAPE)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Tonight, prosecutors found sex and lies in jody arias court in Travis Alexander's bedroom, right before this terrible killing, where they happened
Travis really tied Jody to this bed you saw, cut the rope with a knife, or another lie from Jody to explain the knife she used to slaughter him? Good evening. I`m Jane Velez-
Mitchell came to you in person.
Beautiful 32-year-
The old photographer is on trial for stabbing her ex-boyfriend.
The boyfriend took the knife 29 times and cut Travis Alexander's throat all the way to his spine and shot him in the head.
But she said she did it herself. defense.
Jody is trying to portray Travis as a pedophile and abnormal, a man who fantasize about having sex with 12 peopleyear-
Old girls, let her wear pigtails and take nude photos, just like we're going to show you here.
But prosecutors pointed out that it was Jody's own excitement to suggest that she dress up as a school girl to have sex. Listen to this. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: you said, "Oh, yes, I think (
Delete dirty words)
You like a little girl who's dirty and horny, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: So in this conversation, the question of the school girl was raised by you, not by him, right?
Arias: That's right.
Martinez: You like to dress him up, don't you? ARIAS:Um, yes.
Martinez: let's read it.
You: "I think (
Delete dirty words)
You like a little girl who is dirty and horny.
"So that means you're wearing some sort of fashion, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: it also means or indicates that you like this kind of activity and look like a nice little girl, right? ARIAS:Yes. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Is Jody really a sex offender, not a victim of the abuse of Travis?
Tonight, we're going to work with us to analyze the wacky sex between Jody and Travis with a woman who is very familiar with the wild side of sex, former Hollywood lady Jody baby Gibson.
We'll also talk to Jodi's BFF, one. -
He was in court and would love to visit Judy in prison.
He sat behind her in court.
He wanted to clarify a tabloid report that Jody wanted his baby. Oh, my gosh. Call me: 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.
Go directly to our senior producer, Selin Darkalstanian.
You may be the rudest and sexiest testimony in court.
Bring us into court.
Selin darkalstanian, HLN producer: It's incredible, Jane.
In the morning, we heard more sexual conversations between Jody and Travis, but this time it was Jody standing on the stand that was very different.
She almost giggled.
She's smirking. She's laughing.
When the prosecutor was going to show her an exhibition, she had sex text messages back and forth between her and Travis, and she smiled at one point, she--
At the meeting this morning, she enjoyed the attention in the stands.
But in the afternoon, just as Juan Martinez exhausted her by looking at very specific details.
Keep in mind that while her defense lawyer is talking to her, he is looking at the details carefully.
Juan Martinez won't let Jody go.
Every time she says it directly, he will regret it.
He will not let her make any statement without asking her, nor will he let her question, until the people in court, we are almost exhausted, because we have been hearing him hone in on a detail.
He won't let go of that detail.
He will stick to a detail in 20 minutes. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Yes, I know, because I 've been looking at it all the time, and frankly, the story of the license plate went on too long.
I mean, if you believe she planned and planned this murder, he said she really took that plate and turned it upside down so that if she was found, the police wouldn't get her number, and then she blamed it on some skateboarders.
But, oh my God, where is the license plate, how is it opened-
Too long.
Now, let's go back to this incredibly obscene testimony.
The jury saw several articles from Jodi, some very X-
Prosecutors say Jody is actually a sex offender, far from this meek, submissive, gentle man
The defense tried to portray her as an oral abuse. Check this out. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: "If you are a lucky boy, you promise to give me a good one.
Should be spanked.
"Then there was a time there. Right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Then you said, "Maybe you can give it to me (
Delete dirty words)a too-much-
Heavy hits are also needed. . . kidding. "Correct? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: You're joking about part two, but not part one. Correct? ARIAS:Yes. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Let's discuss it with our group.
We're divided: half prosecution, half defense.
Former federal prosecutor Greg Teche was the one who joked about anal sex.
Directly, she testified that when Travis forced her anal intercourse after she was baptized by Mormon faith, she felt fallen.
Former federal prosecutor greg tecce: I have to tell you, you know, you might find it hard to believe, but I'm not serious.
I must tell you that some of the things I have heard today are the most important.
But I will say that.
He must make these points.
He has to show this.
Because I think it does affect her credibility.
Because at the end of the day, remember: the only evidence of how he treated her throughout the universe is her testimony before the jury.
I think that's what he wants.
My problem is that he's gone too far.
I heard the reporter say that he hit every little detail and I think it was a mistake.
If he falls in the weeds with her, the point will be lost. Big mistake. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Jon Lieberman, you said no, it's not a mistake.
Jon Lieberman, HLN contributor: Yes, I don't agree.
I think today is
The most effective day.
Because he did a detailed analysis of every part of Jody Arias's story.
You also missed the bigger picture, that is, he brought up the video today, and she volunteered to call Detective Flores to tell Detective Travis that there was no gun at home.
That's today's cigarette gun.
But the problem is that when you spend too much time fiddling with the license plate stuff, the points that really work are lost.
I mean, that's all the jury remembers.
Yes, listen. VELEZ-
Let Gina ronazo in.
You mean Gina?
Thank you, Jane.
You make your point and sit down.
When you take too long, repeat it over and over, and then you get all sorts of different testimonies, you don't have a good day to live. OK?
I don't think he did any basic work with her. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Look, Evan, what he has to do.
She stood directly in the stands for several consecutive days.
He has to respond. (CROSSTALK)
M: I agree.
You lost the benefit of the jury.
You lost the benefit of the jury. VELEZ-
Mitchell: In Africacourt. Come on, evan.
Man: Yes--
But that is far beyond the interest of the jury.
This day is different from the days of the past, because it is concentrated.
A word, meditation. He --she --
Jody described her presence at the Alexander family as a bittersweet accident.
Today, the prosecutor greatly appreciated this.
Is he too long?
Of course, but he definitely needs to put this here so that when he comes back and approaches him, he can say, "there are plans;
This is not an accident.
This is first class. degree murder. " VELEZ-
Mitchell: Adam Swick, I think the prosecutor calmed down today and yelled less and actually got Jody Arias to agree with the storyline and basically agreed, "Yes, i'm interested in a lot of sex, "I think it's totally devastating for her.
She laughed again.
He's playing all these horrible sound clips that make us all blush.
She's like, "Yes, I agree.
Yes, I started.
"What happened to her defense team?
Lawyer Adam schweiler: well, Jane, I have to tell you that while I understand your point of view, I appreciate them, that's the first thing that comes to mind, I saw most of this cross. examination.
The first thing I thought of was that the prosecutor was kind of like a little kid who went downstairs on Christmas morning and had a box of gifts and just started looking around.
No orders.
Without logic, he kept going.
I mean. Two points.
I think he failed in his manners, and I think he failed in organizing problems and in the way he raised them.
His manners disappeared from the box from the beginning like a torn dog.
What did you do to a witness like this? . . VELEZ-
Mitchell: Let's get the dogs out.
They did nothing. (CROSSTALK)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Jon Lieberman, he's making his point.
Lieberman: That's why he did it. He`s doing it --
He has an overall plan.
He did this because he would not go through things in chronological order. . .
He has a plan. LIEBERMAN:. . .
Because she remembered the story. VELEZ-
Mitchell: when you're dealing with a sick liar. . .
That's why he jumped around. And I counted. . . VELEZ-MITCHELL:. . .
You don't go in chronological order.
Lieberman: Yes. VELEZ-
Mitchell: You're jumping.
Lieberman: Yes.
Let me say one thing. VELEZ-
Mitchell: they can stick to their story if in chronological order.
Lieberman: Yes. VELEZ-
Mitchell: he capped her because he was jumping around, but the price you paid was to confuse the jurors.
I counted eight times today, Jane.
I counted eight times and she said something two minutes ago, two minutes ago.
That's all his point.
She couldn't say anything. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Mitchell: We have a lot more.
We will be playing all the most unusual, obscene sound clips in court today.
We need--
On the other side--
Former Hollywood lady Jody "baby" Gibson knows sex and weird sex better than anyone in the United States.
Stay there. (
Start Video Editing)
You keep telling the truth.
To be honest, I have no problem.
Martinez: Okay.
But you have a problem answering my question, right?
Arias: If I remember the answer, there is no problem answering your question.
Martinez: This is because the prosecutor is standing. are you in trouble?
Arias: What's the trouble?
Martinez: you showed him these letters.
Arias: definition presentation.
I just handed them over to him. MARTINEZ:OK.
Writing to someone doesn't mean showing it to you?
They were folded up. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: he didn't masturbate until he met you, did he?
No, that's not what he said.
He said he had done almost nothing.
Martinez: Well, maybe we should listen again. ALEXANDER (via phone)
I never had before I met you (
Delete dirty words)off.
Martinez: Did you hear that? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: you have no reason to doubt that, do you?
Arias: I have a lot of reasons to doubt that. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Prosecutors have tried to point out that Travis was most likely his self-proclaimed virgin Mormon before Jody appeared.
But I want to know, Jody "baby" Gibson, author of "secrets of Hollywood super ladies", the former Hollywood lady who knows sex very well, did the prosecutor shoot himself with this particular example?
We're not sure, but Travis was 30 years old when he died.
He probably started masturbating before he saw Jodi a few years ago, right?
Ms. Gibson, former (via phone)
You know, I have my own opinion on all this.
About masochism, you know, masochism is basically something a person likes because they are suffering from some kind of guilt that they carry with them.
In Jodi's example, I think she ended up acting like an aggressor, but it's always like a masochist in this case.
I think she's doing this because of her low self. esteem.
Also, I believe this is her first love and I think because there is a good line between masochism and abuse, I think she may really believe that abuse is love.
I don't think she knows the difference. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Are you saying you sympathize with her claim that she was abused? GIBSON:No. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Or do you think she's a big liar like most of the people we investigate?
In fact, we have a survey that shows that we can get rid of more than 90%. . .
Gibson: No, I definitely don't think so.
I think she's a liar.
This is absolute and a great manipulator.
She's a fascinating case.
But I don't--
Nothing she does can prove that she is right.
So let's start with this.
There is no reason for this.
But I really don't know if she knows the difference between abuse and love.
I just don't think she will.
Masochism is an abuse.
There is nothing good about it.
But she wanted him--
She always seems to want to impress him with this sexual savvy, just as she is a sophisticated person.
In this part, I think she wants to convince herself that she likes it and may eventually believe that she will do it. . . VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay. GIBSON:. . .
She thought she would get this love from him. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Let me have another shot.
Let's analyze it.
Jody's defensive team against X-
Travis commented on Jody in the sex video.
One is that he wants to tie her to a tree and have sex with the tied her.
This is the key to the defense's accusation that she is a beaten, sexually degraded woman.
Today, Jodi makes it look like it's not a big deal. (
Start Video Editing)
Jody's defense lawyer Jennifer Wilmot: on his phone he talked about his fantasy, his fantasy with Jody, he tied her to a tree and put it in
Delete dirty words)all the way.
Martinez: It's just a fantasy conversation, isn't it?
Yes, it's just fantasy.
Martinez: so if he says he wants to tie you to a tree and stick it (
Delete dirty words)
This can also be seen as fantasy, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: it never happened, did it? ARIAS:No. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: So Jody "baby" Gibson, when they pick up a phone sex call, he says some crazy fantasy and tries to turn it into him as an abusive, he really wants to tie her to a tree and do these things to her.
There is a difference between fantasy, sexual fantasy and reality.
Gibson: Yes.
Sometimes fantasy still exists in the mind because sex starts in the mind, however, it seems that both always show up.
As for what the defense does, I don't know. I don`t --
I don't even know what to think. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Let me ask you a question.
Line problem, Jody "baby" Gibson.
She really seems to like this degrading sex right now.
Why are some people not always women? -
Sometimes a man. -
Do you like sexual degradation?
Why do they become masochists, submissive, bottom masochists?
What did they get from it?
Gibson: most of the time, rich and powerful people like this because they feel guilty about ruthless business behavior.
Maybe they abused a lot of people on the road, stepped on a lot of people, you know, did all this, so they had all the guilt, and that's how they eased it. ph)
It was abused. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Well, why is it that a woman, a young woman, of course, does not have a good business career that is guilty of being abused like this?
I don't think that's the case with her.
I want to be at Jody's. -
Technically, that's why it happened.
In the case of Jodi, however, I believe it stems from the low self
Like I said, I think it was her first love.
I think this is the kind of love that Travis implemented, so it's love for her. Abusive love.
That's what I think. That doesn`t --
Again, this cannot justify or make excuses for all her actions. -
The outrageous crime she committed that night, but I think in her view it stems from the low self
Respect, then confuse abuse with love. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Yes.
I think you're right.
Jody, I hope you keep going.
Because we want to talk to you and get more of your insights. But I agree.
I think she's doing her best.
She wants Travis.
She wants him by any means necessary.
"I will be involved in this, this and this" because maybe this, this and this will get him.
I think she was angry when she asked him to do all the degrading things and he still didn't want to take her to Cancun.
He wants to take another girl, a woman who is not interested in him.
More on the other side. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: Did you lie to the detective? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Did you lie to him twice?
More than two people, yes.
Martinez: I'm talking about two dates. ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Did you lie to him on two dates? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Did you also lie to "48 Hours? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Did you lie to people in Utah? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Did you lie to Daniel Freeman?
Yes, everyone.
Martinez: So you lied to a lot of people, but you just said because you're sitting in this court, because there's no better term, conversion, you're telling the truth now. Right?
Arias: Yes, because there is no better term. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: "You promise to give me a good one-
"And then it's been a while, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Then you said, "Maybe you can give it to me (
Delete dirty words)a too-much-
Heavy hits are also needed. . . kidding. "Correct? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Are you kidding about part two, but not part one? ARIAS:Yes. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: while trying to prove that Jody was a sex offender, prosecutors are now finally arriving a few minutes before the killings.
Remember, Jody repeatedly hacked Travis with a knife.
She claimed that the knife was easy to catch because Travis cut the rope with it before killing people, and he used to tie her to the bed in a quirky sex marathon. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: this is not the case where he went to the pig --tie you, right? ARIAS:No.
Martinez: Didn't he want you to move?
The purpose of this rope is to decorate for its fantasy, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Do you remember telling Richard Samuels that he actually took the knife back and put it on the knife table so he could cut the rope off your wrist?
Arias: I remember guessing where the knife was left, but I don't need ---
He does not need to cut the rope. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: "At the meeting.
"Sometimes it's hard to follow exactly what it is.
I think the prosecutor is trying to prove Jody's story about how convenient this knife is for her.
Defensive attack is another lie, she actually took the knife there to kill Travis, and the whole story of "Tie Me to bed" can be made up, right?
They never found a rope.
Beth karas, conversation reporter for Trutv: Yes, yes, absolutely right.
She said she took the rope and threw it away.
This is one of the things she remembers, although she is very blank with the memory of the actual killing and trying to clean it up.
But she said it was not premeditated. It was a last-
When she was in Pasadena, 5 hours from Mesa, she made a small decision.
She decided not to go straight to Utah.
Check out Travis.
Not premeditated.
She's not going with a weapon.
She's not going with a knife and a gun.
She explained the gun.
You don't have to register guns in Arizona.
It's like trying to refute a negative here.
But no one in Travis's circle knows that he has a gun, and he will borrow a gun in one place with his friends. We know that. OK.
But she said he had a gun. The knife.
Where did the knife come from?
So she came up with this explanation.
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
But she told the psychiatrist who still needed to testify that it was on the bedside table.
She never explained how the knife got into the bathroom.
Now she said it might be in the bathroom.
But remember, Jane, from the last photo of Travis alive. . . VELEZ-
Mitchell: In the bedroom (ph). KARAS:. . .
Until the accidental photo of his death, it was about 45 seconds a minute. She gets a gun. She took a knife.
She cut him 29 times. She shoots him.
I mean, a lot of things happened in that minute 45 seconds.
It would be very difficult for her, because she was asked to re-tell this, or explain that she was able to slaughter every second of him so successfully. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Yes.
I'm just wondering, Beth, why isn't the prosecutor just saying, "Look, no--
Don't tie to the bed.
No rope was found.
You haven't disposed of that rope.
This bed is not the kind of bed you can really tie someone because it's like a sledge.
It has no post that is easy to tie.
Never happened.
Then move on.
But he was wrapped in the details of the bed, the rope and the length, and to be honest, I'm not sure if he said she was never tied or if she was tied but the knife was left in the bathroom, or is she tied up.
Callas: Great.
It's an amazing cross
Exam today
Every place he hits, I think, "Oh my God.
"Frankly, I was blown away by him today.
I have never been bored and have not been in court for a minute.
I suspect the juror is.
He forced her into the corner.
He told her to talk back.
The various statements she made, the testimony she made.
I mean, she has nowhere to go about the gas tank.
He grabbed her on the third gas tank.
He caught her in all sorts of lies about gas, which was great.
He caught her, and for the sake of the country, he caught her in the license plate interpretation.
Completely neutralizes the license plate interpretation.
So that's what he did.
He wanted to execute the woman.
He 'd better make the details clear. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Beth, I think it makes a lot of sense that it takes time, and it's easy for our armchair quarterback to say, "Well, I'll say that one way or the other.
"According to the rules of law, he has to ask that he has to cover so many areas.
I like your point of view.
I think he did a very good job.
I was just wondering why it took so long, but you have explained so much.
Debate and incredible moments from the other side of the court.
We will also talk to a good friend of Jodi Arias who wants to clarify, oh, she wants him to give him a statement ---
Well, you have to listen on the other side.
I can't summarize that.
Most importantly, Nancy Grace spoke to a former colleague
Workers in Travis Alexander
Nancy, 8 East, this is HLN.
More on the other side. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: you said, "Oh, yes, I think (
Delete dirty words)
You like a little girl who's dirty and horny, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: So the question of the female student in this conversation was raised by you, not by him, right?
Arias: That's right. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
Jody Arias on trial for the murder of Travis Alexander: Let's say one second, I did it, I said I did it.
Prosecutor Juan Martinez: I think (
Delete dirty words)
You like a little girl who's dirty and horny, right? ARIAS:Yes.
Former prosecutor Wendy Murphy: she was killed in the stands and the situation will only get worse.
Martinez: Did you lie to the detective? ARIAS:Yes.
Murphy: every time she answers, she digs herself deeper.
Martinez: Did you lie to him twice?
More than two people, yes.
She is like a chameleon.
She can be all these different people.
Martinez: Did you also lie to "48 Hours? ARIAS:Yes.
I think what I'm more concerned about is your posture, your tone and your anger.
So I try to focus on the problem.
Unidentified male: He asked her for a few days and wasted too much time losing the jury.
Martinez: Did you lie to people in Utah? ARIAS:Yes.
Martinez: Do you have a problem with what happened again?
Sometimes because you're in circles.
Unidentified male: He is killing the most successful case in American judicial history.
Martinez: Did you lie to Daniel Freeman?
Yes, everyone.
Martinez: you can give him one.
Delete dirty words)
It's too much to beat.
She was the victim.
She is a woman who is ashamed, abused and self-denied.
Arias: if I hurt Travis, I will ask for the death penalty if I kill Travis.
Unidentified woman: He humanized her in front of the jury.
Arias: I 'd wear gloves if I wanted to kill someone.
Unidentified men: They can either believe the evidence or Jodi Arias. ARIAS:(inaudible)
Everything will come out.
At the same time, he said "cheese" with a smile ". (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Mitchell: She's a woman who is lying over and over again in an "48 Hours" interview and we'll play it for you in a second.
What a wild day in court.
At the same time, according to tabloid reports, developments outside the tribunal indicate that Jody has planned his life after the trial. That`s right.
The "National Inquirer" said that Jody had a gay lover in prison, and the couple wanted to use the words of Jody's friend, Brian Carr, to finally quote: "get her pregnant, so that she and her new wife can have children together. ".
OK, clarify here that there is no one but good friend Brian Carr of Jody.
Brian, thank you for joining us. you are a close friend of Jody.
You go to her court a lot.
How do you respond to a statement that has now been made and you say Jodi wants to use your pregnancy and have a good time on the Internet?
Brian Carr, a friend of jody arias: Yes, actually, the National Inquirer is basically ridiculous.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Jody doesn't have any girlfriends in prison.
She's definitely not manipulating me.
She's not asking me.
No, this is a ridiculous story.
That is the main reason why I want to clarify the facts.
I mean Jodi, all I do is support Jodi and defend Jodi. There`s no --
There is nothing better than this in this case. VELEZ-
Mitchell: What do you think of Jody?
We heard from different people that she was forced to go nowhere, that she turned out to be a sick liar, that her story didn't add up, she was in the witness box with herself. it was a fiasco for her.
Brian, what do you think?
I mean, yes, a lot of people are saying she lied.
Of course, she did lie, but she was ashamed to explain why she lied. She --
A violent person, a violent person will have a record of violence.
Jodi, all she had on the record was a speeding ticket and she never had trouble with her ex.
Boyfriend, never had trouble with anyone, even (inaudible)
It is important that the fact is that she is now confident in the stands, stressed but very confident. VELEZ-
Mitchell: So she thinks she's going to be acquitted or she's not going to be sentenced to death?
No, she certainly does not think she will be acquitted.
The death penalty, I agree with her, no, she can't get the death penalty.
No evidence.
I mean, the only evidence you have is that you have a character witness, but the only evidence you really have is Jodi.
Only that person knows what happened.
They said Travis died in a bathroom cubicle.
No one looked past the big blood on the carpet in his bedroom.
How did that blood come from?
They didn't even talk about this. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
I asked you this question.
You often talk to her in the bar.
She thinks she will be found guilty, how much time does she think she will spend in jail?
Carl: There's a toss. up about that.
It will be a long process.
I kind of agree with her, she believes, but she believes it will be an invalid trial.
None of the jurors would agree, and it would look bad to the prosecution where they were going to have another trial.
Arizona State University for six years.
She thinks she will be sentenced to five years on parole for manslaughter. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Wow.
She told you? CARR:Yes.
That's what we hope to get anyway, but yes, Jodi is a bit confident about it. VELEZ-
Wow, that's very unusual.
Let's get the call.
Debbie, Missouri, your question or your idea, Debbie?
Debbie, Missourivia telephone):Hi, yes.
What I want to say today is that at the end of the testimony, the prosecutor asked her when to take a shower after the day she killed him, and she said in his bathroom.
Then he said if you were taking a shower in the same shower room where you stuffed his body, she bowed her head and said yes.
Well, in the direct inquiry, she said that she did not remember being stabbed, did not remember cutting his throat, and did not remember clearly holding him in the shower, so, if there is a big gap in her memory, the correct answer should be "I don't remember plugging him in the shower.
Instead, she slipped and said--VELEZ-MITCHELL:Whoa. Very good. DEBBIE:I know. (CROSSTALK)VELEZ-
Mitchell: You found out. DEBBIE:--
A sick liar for eight years.
I'm really good at picking things up.
I think that's why he's so meticulous about everything, because the more questions you ask them in a different order, the less they can't keep up and they're not very good either. VELEZ-
Mitchell: You're right.
A sick liar is impossible.
They are impossible as human beings.
It's hard for them to be sure.
I want to go to Sailin Dhaka soon.
Did you notice the note?
Jodi said she promised. she remembered to plug him in?
Selin darkalstanian, HLN producer: she did.
This is a great, great point just made by our callers.
I don't know if Juan will go back tomorrow, because tomorrow, remember that we will be at the killing site and we will be at the shower site.
So her reaction to that would be interesting.
But this is a good point.
That's how she responded. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Yes, you're talking about the shower scene, like something in mental illness, but it's a real, real horror.
This is not a movie.
More on the other side. (
Start Video Editing)
Arias: the definition is recent.
What do you mean?
I don't know what you mean.
Independent of what?
Martinez: Yes or No.
I said no, you interrupted me.
That's not what I said.
Can I tell you what I want to say?
Martinez: You mean the prosecutor is going to cut you off, right?
Arias: In this particular case of cross-examination, yes.
Martinez: the reason why you can't work on the witness box is because someone asks you a question in a way you don't like?
I think this is a complicated problem.
Martinez: You know we're not talking about your relationship with Mr. Martin right now. Alexander.
You understand, right?
I know we are off track. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)VELEZ-
Mitchell: A lot of people say to me, it's boring to eat your vegetables. Au contraire --
Look at this.
I'm in a food company. op.
These are beets, and you have peas.
You have Brussels sprouts.
You have green butter lettuce.
Look at this--Black kale. All right.
How about this--
This is purple kale.
When you start to take vegetables as an adventure and explore all the different kinds of vegetables, you realize that it's not just potatoes. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
Arias: There are two people who want to take my life.
He pulled the trigger and nothing happened. just press it.
I rushed over her and ran down the hall, I pushed her as much as I could, she fell over him and fell near the sink.
I just ran past him.
I came down the stairs.
I don't even have a part of me in my body, I am, but everything feels numb.
I breathe too much and my heart beats faster.
Just as I went downstairs, there was also a part of me, as my brain told my legs not to screw off, otherwise you would come up and down the stairs and you wouldn't leave. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL:Ok.
This is the second lie.
First she said she wasn't there, then she said two ninjas attacked them and then she flew out of the house.
Wow, can she tell a story?
Let's now debate what we heard on the show for the first time, and according to her friend Brian Carr, Jody Arias believes that this will be the first invalid trial, then the second time is manslaughter, which means she has served four years and she can almost skate.
Let's start with Phoenix lawyer Evan Borwick. What do you say?
Phoenix lawyer Evan Borwick: Jane, it's impossible to happen unless she has the most gullible juror in the world.
Her lies were revealed.
She has no real defense.
It is impossible for them to go all the way to manslaughter.
If, for some reason, jurors are unlikely to find themselves innocent, then they will obviously vote for the acquittal and have an open jury, but for her, it is an outrageous idea, but she used to have outrageous ideas many times. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Defense Minister Gina ronazo-
Lawyer gina longarzo: I was just wondering if the lady who spoke just now actually heard the case because I can definitely see ---VELEZ-
Mitchell: Okay.
Because your Mike is not there, we will come back to you later.
Let's do Adam Swick and we'll fix your mike. Go ahead, Adam.
Lawyer Adam schweiler: I think that comment, they all forget Kathy Anthony and O. J. Simpson.
You never know what the jury will do.
But I think manslaughter is a very, very big possibility.
If you sit here and try to predict what the jury will do, there will be the same crow on your face as when you said Casey Anthony could not have been acquitted.
Jon Lieberman: This case is different.
Borwick: it's impossible. there's a big difference.
No, no, this case is very different from Kathy Anthony.
SWICKLE: no difference.
There is evidence in this case.
Lieberman: There's a big difference.
Jody confessed to killing Travis. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Yes.
First, that's the difference. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Well --
Okay, Fred Tracy. -
This does not mean that she will be sentenced to death.
But that doesn't mean she will be sentenced to death. VELEZ-
Mitchell: Wait. (CROSSTALK)
Fred Tracy, lawyer: Look, I'll let you know.
I told you--VELEZ-MITCHELL:Ok. Hold on.
I have to see the group.
Show me the panel.
Do you know?
I have news for you.
I am not always right, but I am firm in my position.
This woman will not be convicted of manslaughter.
She will be convicted. -
This is manslaughter, not premeditated.
This is all about the problem.
Her chances of going to heaven are even greater.
She's crazy.
She can't remember anything.
TECCE: She showed up with a gun like it was stolen at her grandmother's house and she hid it and threw away the evidence. (CROSSTALK)
Don't you think she remembers the manslaughter? No. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Quiet. Quiet. Let Fred --
The evidence against this woman is overwhelming. (CROSSTALK)
I'm sorry.
You know, the biggest benefit of not remembering anything about murder is that the prosecutor can fill in the blanks and he will be tomorrow. It will happen. (CROSSTALK)VELEZ-MITCHELL:Gina.
I hope Gina gets a word here.
Guys, give Gina a chance. Ok.
Leiberman: continue.
He asked ridiculous questions like have you ever been to another woman's bedroom and she said yes.
He said fuck, she said no.
She's trying to be honest.
She can't remember.
She gave so many different versions.
It's not because she was premeditated. -
Reberman: Did you just say she wanted to tell the truth?
She can't remember.
Sorry, I'm talking.
She did not remember, because she was a temporary madman, and it was not premeditated, nor the death penalty, which meant manslaughter. VELEZ-
Mitchell: We will continue this debate on the other side. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: You told them you don't want red cards, do you?
Arias: That's right.
Martinez: Red seems to be very conspicuous, don't you?
I don't know, I just heard they got more tickets. (END VIDEO CLIP)(
Business break)VELEZ-
Mitchell: It's time for a pet day.
Send photos of your pet to hlntv. com/jane. River --
Oh, my God. it's a handsome guy.
Valentino, your little toy is there.
You have a toy, too.
They are like children.
They need toys.
James said I have money. I don't need toys. thank you very much. (
Business break)VELEZ-
Mitchell: If Jody comes to Travis Alexander's house with a gun, the state can prove that she was premeditated.
This may qualify her for the death penalty.
Jody testified after Travis attacked her, and she ran into his wardrobe, right there, and grabbed the gun she knew Travis was on the top shelf, we had one on the top shelf and she shot him herself. defense.
But a few days after Travis was killed, she didn't tell the detective that.
This is a tape. (
Start Video Editing)
Unidentified male: Do you know of any weapons in his home?
His two fists.
Man: Is that the case? ARIAS:Really.
Man: OK. No pistol or rifle. -
Arias: No, he didn't keep these things.
Martinez: You mean, no, he didn't have a gun, did he?
Yes, that's right.
Martinez: that's true, isn't it?
No, that's not true.
Martinez: You mean you lied to him again? ARIAS:Yes. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Oh, my God.
At the same time, the defense summoned this video from a friend of our show specifically from Travis Alexander.
You can see Travis shooting an automatic rifle there, but his friend showed us this video showing that he borrowed--
Travis borrowed his gun because Travis had no gun.
So, is this very bad or is it possible to redirect the defense via this video?
Let's start with former federal prosecutor Fred Teche.
No, they won't do anything--
You can't make any points in this video.
She shot him with a pistol. That`s an AR-
The guy is shooting.
Look, you know what?
You are all talking about what sadist has done to masochism, nothing.
These people found each other.
Let's not ignore the fact that her whole defense is "I killed this man because he made me dress up like ginger and Marianne, maybe with anger from me and the Professor
"The fact is that our only testimony came from her and has been confirmed today that she is not only a voluntary participant in which she likes and participates. She`s done. VELEZ-MITCHELL:Adam?
SWICKLE: Look, the bottom line is she's not done.
This is not premeditated murder.
The issue of the gun, her words, I'm sure her defense will come back to discuss the issue, does not mean that the man did not have the gun that day.
That's not what she said. VELEZ-
Mitchell: On the other side, the killer journey. Sorry. (
Business break)VELEZ-
Mitchell: Prosecutor Martinez accused Jody of plotting every step of her killer road trip, driving 100 miles to rent a car.
And said, Oh, I don't want a bright red car. Oh, no. Listen to this. (
Start Video Editing)
Martinez: You told them you don't want the red car, do you?
Arias: That's right.
Martinez: Red seems to be very conspicuous, don't you?
I don't know, I just heard they got more tickets. (END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-
Then she went to her ex.
Boyfriend's house, said, oh, can you lend me a few gas tanks because she doesn't want anyone to know she's going to Arizona.
She doesn't want to fill up in Arizona.
It was premeditated.
Will the jury believe it?
Next is Nancy Grace.