Comment: On Queensland's age of consent laws and the need to talk openly about queer sex - sex toys for anal sex

Last Thursday, the Queensland government passed a reform that was long overdue,of-
Anal sex consent law 16.
The importance of the legislation passed on Thursday cannot be underestimated.
The bill legalizes sex that everyone knows is mutually agreed, and prevents teenagers who have just turned 18 from being prosecuted for having sex with their still 17-year-old boyfriend.
This traffic is very large. on affects.
This legislation will provide young gay men with space to access sexual health services without having to worry about being labeled criminals, which is particularly important when HIV infection rates remain stubborn.
This will hopefully give young gay men (and other anal men) more access to sexual health services and precautions ---
Condoms, sex equipment, educational programs, and ideal preparation.
However, despite these very important benefits, the issue has received little attention from the gay community in many ways.
At a time when LGBTQIA rights were at the forefront and center of the national debate, the bill was barely publicized or celebrated by most LGBTQIA groups (with the exception of the Queensland AIDS Commission) through the parliamentary Hall, which was largely unheard.
If it weren't for George kristenson (there would be more coverage soon), it would be possible for most people not to know what happened.
While we may say this is because the law is so local, I think it is due to greater fear within our community.
This legislation violates the standard narrative of many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups, as this is something we hardly talk about --sex.
George Chris Tenson
If you look at Chris Tenson's response to this bill, I can understand the fear of our community.
Chris Tenson immediately linked the legislation to pedophile, saying in a Facebook post that the bill would allow 50-year-
Old male comrades are bullying teenage boys.
The reaction was disgusting but not surprising.
As gay people, our sex life has always been a goal.
We are called the disseminators of excessive promiscuity (as if it were a problem), pedophile and "gay cancer.
Sex is the main way conservative attacks
They can describe us as a way to be dangerous to a wider community.
The relative silence of this bill, however, highlights the concern about the response to these attacks.
We don't seem to be fighting back now, we are retreating.
Although gay liberation once talked about sexual liberation, the language is no longer there.
On the contrary, our focus is on "love ".
Our core struggle is no longer freedom of sex, but freedom of love.
Although it may seem subtle, it is extremely important.
When we don't embrace sex anymore, we also give up the sexual ideal of freedom.
I often see homosexuality attacking people who are "spamming" or calling for closure --on-
Because they "don't look good" at our community ".
Many others support the idea that accepting a marriage system means abandoning the ideal of sexual liberation.
We don't just shrink from sex. we have become conservatives.
In many ways, this explains the relative silence in Queensland. of-consent laws.
This bill is simply not in line with our "love" narrative, which has become more enjoyable for the public and, more importantly, for the gay community.
This is really worrying.
First of all, most obviously, because sex is the key factor that determines us in terms of sex.
When we talk about the right to "love the people we want", it is not a universal experience.
Many of us exist in society without love.
The way we make love and who we have sex with determines our sex.
It is for this reason that sex often becomes a point of attack for conservatives.
What makes homosexuality a crime is the law against sodomy, not the law against love.
Talking about our sex life is often the strongest attack on our lives.
With this in mind, it's really important to talk about sex --
Not only because it's interesting-
But because positive talk about sex is the best way to resist these attacks and create a positive culture.
Embracing our sex life, whether it's a one-off or promiscuous, vanilla or quirky, is essential to reducing fear and stigma and ensuring that we
It is especially important for us to talk about young people having sex.
A simple fact: young gay people make love.
Most of them like it very much (I know it was the same when I was young ).
It's not something we should be afraid of, it's something we should celebrate.
To ensure that young people have a positive and safe experience of sex, we should talk about this openly-
Help them create healthy, stimulating and fun sex lives.
Sex is important. we should not avoid this fact.
Sex has been a tricky topic for the queer community for years.
It has always been the focus of the attack.
This has reached the point where it is even difficult for us to celebrate significant progress in gay rights, mainly because of concerns about how people will view gay rights.
However, we cannot continue to let the Conservatives who attack us define our sex life.
Discussions about sexual health, including talking about the sex life of young people, are critical to creating healthy sex and culture.
Sex defines us as a community in many ways.
We must embrace it, not fear it.