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Company delivers sex toys and snacks in an hour - adult sex toys online

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-25
Company delivers sex toys and snacks in an hour  -  adult sex toys online
Do you want the fries from dildo? HotMe. ca, a Vaughan-
Headquartered in the adult sex toy store, vowed to deliver its products to your doorstep in about an hour.
They even bring a bag of McDonald's if needed.
Founded in 2012, the company has more than 2,000 customers.
Founder Roberto pizazza, who will promote his business plan on January's TV show dragon Den, thinks fast delivery for quirky toys is GTAWHY?
"I believe in one --
Delivery time to Toronto is fast, no pun intended.
You have Amazon, you have drones, you have businesses that are trying to improve this level on serving customers and UberX.
It's so fun when you can buy something and deliver it in an hour, because you can do whatever you want.
"How does it work?
"Our website does not pay online, so the checkout is simple.
You pay at the door, so the driver has an IOU-
Or you can pay cash. We do a 50-
We have a radius of kilometers from our warehouse in Vaughan.
We try to stay away from piclin and Ajax as it is not in our area.
We deliver within an hour, but this is not guaranteed according to the weather, traffic conditions, but we have been in contact with the customer.
"Who really feels that there is enough urgency to order sex toys in an hour and need them?
"Our age range is between 25 and 35 years old, with couples, men and women.
I came to their door and I got a good reason to explain why they were buying this product as if they had to explain it to me.
Everything from "this is my friend's stag deer" to "I'm going to catch up for a birthday party.
There are 6 million people who want to have this product in an hour and they have different reasons.
This is not despair.
"How do you almost equate the purchase and delivery process with sex?
"I think it's part of the whole stimulus to get this product.
We also sent a GPS link so that the customer could see the driver coming to their house, right on their iPhone, which made them very excited.
"What is the most popular item that people order?
"For couples, we sell flesh and blood.
Recently, we have something that we can't keep on the shelf called Vending Machine 2.
This is a great male sex toy and I really believe that a lot of male sex toys are completely ignored. ”jenny. yuen@sunmedia.
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