Condom use routine for U.S. teens, not adults - anal sex toys for men
CHICAGO (Reuters)-U. S.
Teenagers are not as reckless as some people think about sex, they are more likely to use condoms than people over the age of 40, which, according to a survey released on Monday, may help guide public health policies.
The study, from Indiana University sex researchers paid by Troy condom maker Church & Dwight Co, is the most comprehensive sexual activity in the United States in the past 20 years.
Public health officials were encouraged by some findings
Use a condom every four times during vaginal intercourse.
Among singles, the figure is 1/3.
Among black and Hispanic Americans in the United States, condom use is higher than white, the lowest among people over 40 years of age, the national representative internet survey for 5,865 14 to 94 years of age
As a result, presented in nine peers
A retrospective study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals adolescent stereotypes about sexual recklessness.
14-14% onlyyear-
Old boys report any sexual interaction with partners in the first three months, almost 40% months-year-
Researcher at Indiana University Dr.
Dennis Fortenberry said at a press briefing that women had similar findings.
He said that many 18-year-olds have no sexual experience and that condom use is routine for those who have sex.
"In this study, about 70 to 80% of adolescents reported using condoms in recent vaginal intercourse," Fortenberry said . ".
"It shows that we have achieved real public health success that we need to recognize.
"The research team found that in the past 20 years, most adults have moved away from the traditional notion of vaginal intercourse.
According to the survey, 41 kinds of sex, including oral sex and anal sex.
"While vaginal sex is still the most common sexual activity among adults, many of these do not involve sexual intercourse," said Debra Hepburn Nick, a researcher at Indiana University and a female sexual health expert, at a telephone briefing
Other findings: * about 85% of men say their sexual partners have had orgasms during sex, but only 64% of women say they have had orgasms.
* About 7% of women and 8% of men say they are gay, lesbian or bisexual, but the number of people with the same identity --
The study group says the sex is high.
* About a third woman said they experienced pain in their recent one-time contact, compared to 5% for men.
Herbenick says more research is needed to understand why.
* Men are more likely to experience orgasm when sex includes vaginal intercourse, while men are more likely to experience orgasm when women engage in a variety of sex and include oral or vaginal intercourse, the survey found.
Hepburn said understand you. S.
The former president of the United States also pointed out that the sexual experience of adults can affect public health. S.
Chief surgeon
Elder Joycelyn.
"In order for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals to provide sexual health information to their patients, they must first understand what sex is in the community and how they behave, "The elders wrote in their comments. Dr.
Kevin Fenton of the United StatesS.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the documents will help as the White House launches the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United StatesS. AIDS policy.
"We must seize this moment," Fenton wrote in the comments . ".