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Could A 'Barbie' Get Real? What A Healthy Fashion Doll Looks Like - but sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2020-11-08
Could A \'Barbie\' Get Real? What A Healthy Fashion Doll Looks Like  -  but sex toy
For decades, Barbie has been attacked by parents for promoting unhealthy female images.
Psychologists reported last month that playing with Barbie for a few minutes could lead girls to limit their career ambitions.
Then why do we give the girl bones?
Asked artist Nickolay Lamm, thin dolls like Barbie dolls and popular Monster High crew?
He thinks it's time to make Barbie real.
Lamm raised nearly half a million dollars for the production of Barbie
Like a real teenage doll.
He designed the doll in an average size of 19. year-
Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The 25-year-old Lamm told Shots, "then I got some details flat . ".
"I just wanted to make her look like a typical young woman walking down the street.
But since I didn't want to set a new standard, I made the actual size blurry.
Lamm says his inspiration comes from making dolls for his cousin.
"She is so beautiful, but she doesn't dare to wear a swimsuit because she feels fat.
She's not, of course, "he said.
"But when I saw the doll in the store ,[
She must choose from it.
It's almost all these fabulous things.
The artist said: "In order to have a Barbie figure, the average young woman needs to grow about 5 inch long, trim 17 inch from the waist and slim 1 feet from the neck.
This is bad news for parents seeking healthier alternatives: now Lamm's dolls exist only as digital designs.
But he has been working with a former vice president of Mattel to create a prototype.
With the money he raised, he set up a company, Lammily, to produce the first edition of dolls
Sold out.
Don't worry, though.
Lamm wants to make a series of dolls of different races and health.
"I saw a bunch of dolls representing all of us," he said . ".
He also plans to make these dolls wear less makeup and more authentic clothes than Mattel's Barbie dolls.
"I think this doll is amazing!
Aurora Sherman, a psychologist at Oregon State University, said he recently led a study on the impact of Barbie dolls on girls' professional ambitions.
A large number of studies have shown how unrealistic body-shaped media images have a negative impact on the girl's self
Respect and physical satisfaction, Sherman said.
But only a few people pay attention to Barbie.
"From a scientific point of view, we know very little about how Barbie affects girls," she said . ".
"Parents and philosophers have a lot of opinions about Barbie, but there is very little research on using Barbie in a scientific way.
"To fill that gap, Sherman and her colleagues conducted a small study that gave 37 girls aged 4 to 7 a Barbie doll or a gentleman.
Play the potato head for five minutes.
They then showed each girl photos of work like fire fighting, flying a plane or teaching.
They ask each girl what work a boy or herself can do.
After playing with Barbie, the girl said that the boy can do about 2.
Five more jobs than yourself.
But The Girl Who Played with Mr.
Sherman and her colleagues reported in the journal Gender roles that potato heads did not distinguish between boys or their own jobs.
Of course, with such a small study, it is generally difficult to draw conclusions about girls.
"We don't know that there are 37 girls around Covalis, Auri.
Tell us that there are billions of girls in the world . "
"But the girls play Barbie for hours every day.
The cumulative impact cannot be smaller than what we see.
"It would be nice to give girls and parents other options," Sherman said.
She pointed out: "The proportion of Barbie dolls was designed after German sex toys and has not changed much in the past 50 years.
So far, she has eaten some New Year's Eve meals.
But the huge chest and the thin waist remain the same.
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