Dan Carter shops for sex toys - adult sex toys for sale
They were the most glamorous pair at last Sunday's Louis Vuitton Trophy dinner, dressed from scratch-to-
High fashion borrowed from the French fashion company.
But two days ago, Dan Carter and five crusader teammates were arrested while buying sex toys at the adult store peach and cream store in Christchurch.
Peach and cream employee, Sergeant Tara, said that when he walked into the store last Friday with a group of five unidentified people, she immediately recognized all black people, who she thought were crusaders.
"Rich McKay is not one of them and he is the only person I know," she said . ".
Carter's representative, Dean Hegan, confirmed that it was all black and his rugby team-mates bought items for the Crusader team-mates as gifts.
But he doesn't say who it is.
"It will spoil the surprise! " he laughed.
The rugby star is rated by E as 11 of the sexiest people in the world!
There seems to be no self
Conscious shopping in a sex store.
"He's not embarrassed," said the sheriff . "
"If you're going to an adult store and you're in the spotlight and don't want people to know, you're going to pretend to be ".
The news was first posted on ZM's drive show, with host Jay and Flynny asking listeners to call on Tuesday to tell the story of celebrities where they shouldn't be.
The sheriff called to say that Carter came to the Christchurch sex store last Friday and said he was just "Jade ".
"But he's not alone," she said . "
"But because I'm not a rugby player, I can't tell you who the others are.
The sheriff recorded the visit on her Facebook page that day: "Well, I'm fine. . .
There's nothing that makes you happier than six personality crusaders! !
Now I know what Dan is doing! !
Facebook friend Tasha Fatan was asked, "Do you have any photo evidence ? "
"I have a video, haha," replied the sheriff ".
The sheriff said Carter had been to the sex store before.
About two years ago"
Another place in Christchurch.
So, can we assume that the date night with girlfriend Honor Dillon ended last Sunday with fun and games?
The couple are spies.
Ed leaves the charming Louis Vuitton dinner at the Oakland Museum, looks a lot of affection, and condemns the relationship as just a show of speculation.
For some time, there have been rumors that the couple will be together only when social snapshots are released.
Dillon is a former black stick player who lives in Auckland and works for the DB Brewery, while Carter is stationed in Christchurch during the Crusader season.
The all-black Byron kelleh, who once played for the French rugby team Toulouse, is no stranger to the adult entertainment world.
He and Ashley spuddin (
Aka Kaylani Lei)
She used to be a porn star with 95 adult movies.
According to the British Independent, the two "met in a room full of sexual self at Jamaica's hedonistic resort ".
Ray has her own range of sex toys, exotic novelties in California, including a similar-looking hit --
Dolls sold in the classified advertising section of truth.