Does size matter? - sex toys for guys
Why do we have to say that size is not important? It does.
In fact, when a man asks me this question, my answer is "anyone who says this is obviously not with a very small man ". I know.
Politically incorrect
We can talk about everything.
Any other factor in criticizing a person.
But this is a sacred cow.
It is often said that "this is not the size of the ocean, but the movement of the Ocean ".
Who are we kidding?
There are only so many things a person can do.
If it's a puddle, there won't be any waves. Sorry.
This is not like the size of the breast, because although the breast may be cute, it is only a secondary part of the main act of actual sexual intercourse.
Of course, oral sex can be compensated to a certain extent.
Less talented people are advised to pick up some of the carpet chewing skills.
But unless you only like sex toys, or are half-sewed for some unfortunate reason, a small penis won't get your world into exciting sex.
I know, there is a position to improve the situation, but read, improve.
If the pencil looks talented compared to the pencil, don't think you are Don Juan.
Because if you're upset about the apartment
Chest girl or some fat ball wrapped thighs and while we pretend everything is fine there is nothing more terrible than ittybitty-teeny-weeny.
That being said, don't give up.
If you are a good person, we are a talented person.
But don't show off everywhere.
We will overcome it if we really like you.
But please don't let us praise your male abilities.