Drink tea, make better love - sex toys for couples

A little lack of sex?
Remember: The answer is not a horrible toy or tantrum, but a good cup of tea.
This is a comforting point of view from marriage therapist Andrew G Marshall.
He explained how it works: "If you stop in the middle of love --
To drink tea and talk to each other, it shows how desire comes and goes --
Sex is not just a game.
It gives you time to get close to each other.
The last 15 minutes of sex suddenly lasted for an hour and a half.
Marshall's mission is to take back the one-off system for couples who are confused about how to share Frank and unsexy family life with their partners and the business of raising their children.
As a marriage therapist working as an intern in London and Sussex, Marshall has had a rare understanding of people's love life over the past 25 years.
His new book is "how to make love like a prairie wolf: Six Steps to passion, abundance, and one-wife Sex" (Bloomsbury)
Published as a book and an app.
In his view, too many couples barely have sex after the first few years, pretending not to mind, while secretly craving better sex --
Or resort to an affair.
"People often leave a relationship when sex is likely to get better," Marshall said . ".
"One myth I particularly want to challenge is that in the first few years it went downhill all the way, and that's why once you're over 40 --
You have one last chance. you 'd better catch it quickly.
Encourage all sorts of stupid things.
Marshall encouraged the couple to recreate their sex life every few years.
This is not to mess things up on the surface with new technology and toys, but to build confidence and openness.
If the husband and wife succeed
Facing undeniable pressures such as children and career
Of better and better.
However, it is the glue that will take a long time
Long-term relationships can hinder progress because individuals are naturally cautious about suggesting changes because they are afraid of rocking-mood boats, and there will be more danger over time.
While experts are raving about the importance of communication, most couples don't know where to start.
Sex often becomes an elephant in a room;
This topic is terrible because it feels like criticism.
It's much easier to bite your tongue and endure things.
Marshall's advice is to avoid problems that will make your partner feel defensive.
Instead, start by talking about your love for sex and remember the beauty of the past.
This will help to break the deadlock for further discussion.
Marshall is also keen to break the sexual myth that hinders couples: it must be spontaneous, and the two partners must open equally at the same time.
"It puts a lot of pressure on people," he said . "
"If you wait until both of you are in the mood, you may have sex only once a year.
"He urged couples to make sex a priority, not the last thing in the minds of two tired people.
Parents, whether their children are teenagers or toddlers, should pay attention to: "If something is causing problems in our sex life, it is that we must become super
24/7 of our children have parents, "he said. --