Enjoy sex with your wife; not porn - adult toys for men
Please, this is not a matter of censorship or religion.
I am a Muslim and a man who has rights, desires and ambitions like everyone who lives on this beautiful planet.
My religion teaches me to care for all mankind.
So, please let's stop playing religious cards and debate about pornography.
Those who watch or read pornographic material do it with great care.
This shows that it is a generally accepted unethical, shameless act and an act of being contaminated, dirty and contaminated.
Sexual violence and exploitation are crimes affecting all of us.
Pornography belittle and exploit women, children and men in it.
It also harms the lives and thoughts of those who watch it.
South Africa is a country subject to sexual abuse, and incidents of sexual abuse are becoming a serious concern.
Are these movies, videos or DVDs that South African citizens crave?
Do we need a porn film that promotes sex, sex and more, when sexual abuse of children and women is prevalent, the sexual behavior of teenagers has attracted great attention from parents, educators and health workers?
It is sad that our young people are one of the biggest consumers of pornography.
In fact, they need to engage in sports, study and career building to become leaders, parents and noble citizens of the future.
What will Porn teach them?
Pornography falsely represents intimacy and tells the child's mind that it is acceptable for men and women to lose their humanity.
Pornography leaves the wrong impression when the child is an adult.
As adults, we need to recognize that pornography can attract children to have sex.
This is not a system of rights or censorship.
It is about respecting and protecting the rights of all of us to live in a safe, decent and Ethical Society.
As adults, we need to recognize that pornography can attract children to have sex.
This is not a system of rights or censorship.
It is about respecting and protecting the rights of all of us to live in a safe, decent and Ethical Society.
As a community, we have the right to live in a normal family environment, not in an environment where we are poisoned by pornographic and immoral programs.
Such films damage and undermine the family, a recognized source of stable society. Over-
The emphasis on sex sends the wrong message to vulnerable young people.
It also caters to the desires of those who are unbalanced with vulnerable women and children as prey.
The sex industry is trying to make people feel that expensive underwear, adult toys, pornography and other products are necessary in order to enrich their sex life, and in fact, all that is needed is a healthy lifestyle, love, attraction and marriage to a faithful person.