Erection Self-test - ring around penis

This test examined the occurrence of erection at night and helped to determine the cause of erectile dysfunction in men.
The ability to erect while sleeping indicates a person's physical ability to perform this function.
If a person cannot have an erection while awake, the reason may be physical problems, psychological factors, or both.
For most men, erection while sleeping is the result of physical physiological processes rather than conscious control.
The results of this test will help to determine the cause of erectile dysfunction and the best treatment options.
Men who are unable to erect may be asked to do this test as part of the work
Erectile dysfunction
Test at home for three consecutive nights.
I bought a stamp in a roll.
While sleeping, several ropes wound around the middle axis of the penis.
They are moistened and allowed to form a continuous ring around this part of the penis.
In the morning, the man checked whether the stamp strip was broken.
If so, it indicates that the shaft of the penis expands and becomes stiff overnight.
If the stamps are uninterrupted, they will not be erected at night.
The man should ask his health care provider for specific instructions on how to prepare the test.
Usually, the ring of the stamp is broken.
This indicates that erection has occurred at night.
If the stamp ring does not break, then there is no erection.
The inability to erect at night may be due to physical reasons, not psychological reasons.