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Euro 2016 diary: Dancing in the street, and more - best sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-25
Euro 2016 diary: Dancing in the street, and more  -  best sex toys
Switzerland and Wales won, Russia took the last gamegasp 1-
1 draw England 2016 Euros in full swing in France.
But from the charm offensive to the outright offensive, there's a lot going on outside the stadium.
The Albanian debut on the international stage was not as smooth as they hoped, but one thing is for sure --
They're here to celebrate.
When fans climb out of the window and wave flags and even completely stop their car so they can grab a flash or blow an air horn, traffic is blocked in the center of the lens town.
The carnival atmosphere continues, with dozens of fans dressed in traditional costumes and football jackets dancing in front of the music stations set up on the streets --
All of this requires no police intervention.
Obviously, this is the first game of> # HB in a big tournament.
Who will guess? >pic. twitter.
Com/7FNjt77YjmIt is a positive sight worth seeing.
Imagine if they start winning. . .
While some people should not be allowed to walk out of the House, the 2014 World Cup was played as a soundtrack to samba music as Brazil danced in the tournament.
From Rio to maaus, there is an exciting music background as fans enjoy the international football carnival.
Fast forward for two years, two very different voices appeared on the streets of Marseille, leading to England's 2016 Euro opener against Russia --
Siren and broken glass
Wherever you go in town
Especially near the old port-
There is a siren to hear.
All police cars, ambulances and fire engines were dispatched, not to mention large tanks --
Like a vehicle that launches a water cannon in trouble.
Be a supporter
On the floor, every step came across hundreds of creaks of broken glass thrown at the police.
It's not just the fault of England fans, there are reports that Russia's "Super ultrasound" is raging in the city, trying to cause damage, and the role of French police will also be questioned.
In any case, in terms of making the right sound, this is a collection of tramp notes.
Ante said that RELAXAnte Cacic's journey from the owner of a TV and radio repair shop in Zagreb to the Croatian boss through his nomadic coaching career is one of the more lovely stories of 2016 euros. At the pre-
At the press conference before the D-group opener against Turkey on Sunday, we were given insight into Cacicthe man, men and men leader.
Asked why he chose to make his team 10-
In the last warmth
When a competitor handles more test tasks in France, Cacic gives a simple response.
"Every coach has his own choice.
"It's just my choice, and I guess in my opinion we don't need much hard play," he explained . ".
"We don't need to play against such a strong opponent.
"I bet half.
Many days and clothes
In the glorious days of Cacic TV and radio, I have a good time next Friday.
Although Dejan lovron will never find a job, they must have been a good time.
The Emperor and the first artistshalf of pre-
The game in Paris was a bit of a "fun boss" and when fatich Trin was surrounded by Turkish midfielder Hakan karhanoulu we were sent to a learned School
Due to the opportunity to get the experienced tactician Terim to stand on the right side of the midfield, Calhanoglu's performance was somewhat amazing.
"Mr. Terim, he put me on the right, sometimes in the middle.
This is all his decision, and I will definitely contribute to the team there and do my best . "
Hakan is an important player. he is very modest. he is a gentleman.
"He knows how to remain humble," Terim replied . ".
A journalist was pleased to join in the adulation, asking the couple to reflect on their status as "emperor" and "artist", and Calhanoglu may apply on acrylic resin
"I can understand that many people think of me as an artist.
"I really work very hard and it's not easy to be an artist," he mused . ".
Soon after, Hakan ran to train and he didn't put the apple on the table, a slight surprise.
Then trin talked in detail about Turkey's most important players-Arda Turan.
You will not be an emperor without certain atrocities.
Some unknown characters are often forgotten in major events, but Uefa is left a little red --
It created 2016 euros.
"Super priest" is the name chosen for this special doll --a pint-
Hero of the size, with a cloak
But when sex toys of the same name appear in their browser search, shoppers who wish to shop online are given some sort of rude awakening.
This topic has been repeated on social media, so much so that Uefa issued a statement on team news on Saturday, which reads as follows: "We can only say that these sex toys are never made by us ".
We are happy to believe them.
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