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Fear of sex toy attack led MP to drive car at female protesters - best sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-22
Fear of sex toy attack led MP to drive car at female protesters  -  best sex toys
With the defense going on, it is one of the most unusual defenses.
A New Zealand chief who used his car to hit two protesters has been cleared of careless driving after he claimed to protect the deputy prime minister from being attacked by sex toys.
On March 22, Chester Lecchi, a congressman at Whanganui, met with a demonstration in his North Island constituency.
His passenger was Paula Bennett, deputy prime minister.
The court heard that sexual toys thrown at politicians by protest groups have become popular.
Last year, Steven Joyce, the minister of economic development, was hit by dildo.
MS Bennett is providing evidence in his defense of Mr. Borrows's allegations of careless driving.
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