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female orgasm may be tied to 'rule of thumb' - male anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-02
female orgasm may be tied to \'rule of thumb\'  -  male anal sex toys
First is G.
The scene, then multiple orgasms and spiritual intimacy.
Modern women should not only be a good mom and a successful professional, but some think she needs to act like a porn star in her bedroom.
So if a simple device can reveal whether a woman is able to have a vaginal orgasm, will it relieve stress on heterosexual women?
New research shows that a simple measurement-
"Rule of thumb "--
May be the key to sexual fun.
Of all women, 75% never reached orgasm through sexual intercourse. -
No extra help with sex toys, hands or tongue.
In no case will 10 to 15% reach a climax.
The internet is full
Statistics show that they are an important group.
"Maybe my boyfriend and I did the wrong thing," one lady wrote on web md . ". com.
"I don't understand.
I don't feel like a woman because I can't reach the climax and I want to get so bad.
Sometimes it feels incomplete after sex.
"I like sex. My partner likes sex . "com.
"The person I am with now is frustrated because he has not had the problem of making women happy until now, which is frustrating for me because I just don't understand.
"What happened to me ? "
Asked another reporter about Steadyhealth. com.
"I 've never told anyone before, but I feel like it's my only option because I'm too shy to go to the doctor.
"But according to Kim Wallen, professor of behavioral endocrinology at Emory University, this may not be entirely in their minds.
He wants to determine whether a woman's ability to achieve orgasm with penis stimulation alone depends on how far her clit is from the vagina ---the so-called "C-V distance.
Knowing more about the anatomy of a woman may improve her sex life, Valen said.
"I suspect that it will never happen for a large percentage of women to reach orgasm just through sexual intercourse, and knowing that it may give women some comfort.
"Warren is testing from the great nearly a century ago-
Napoleon Bonaparte's big niece suffered what was then called "sexual apathy.
French spiritual analyst Princess Mary Bonaparte finds the best C-V distance is 2.
5 centimeters, about 1 inch, or space between your fingertips and your thumb.
After collecting the data in 1927 and publishing a report, her story did not end well.
She underwent two experimental surgeries to correct her condition in an attempt to bring the clit closer to the vagina.
She ended up scarred and gave up looking for non-physical therapyClimax woman.
"It's a little sad," said Valen . "
This is a very interesting story of metaphor.
She eventually became a Freudian, completely denying the physical interpretation of the climax.
The psychological explanation is that if you don't reach the climax, it's because you haven't grown up yet.
Although bonaba was tough, he said the data were "very enlightening, but did not show that" bonaba was right.
"Just like some physical attributes would prevent some people from becoming concert violinist or running 100 m in 10 seconds, he said: "Some attributes make it unlikely that some women will experience orgasm alone through sexual intercourse. ".
Although the "rule of thumb" he created was too simplistic in biology, it could be "the gospel to women ".
Four years ago, Valen began to do a good thing.
Controlled modern research in collaboration with Elizabeth Lloyd, professor of history, philosophy science and biology at Indiana University.
Lloyd's study of sex research 80 years ago in her 2005 book, the case of female orgasm, refutes the theory that female orgasm has evolutionary reasons.
She believes that female orgasm is only a by-product of male orgasm, because both sexes share the same genital nerve tissue at the fetal stage.
"It is very normal to have no orgasm, and there are a lot of women who have no orgasm during evolution, which has no effect on their fertility," Lloyd said . ".
According to the researchers, current research confirms this: 98% of men say they "always" reach orgasm when they have sex, while women "always" and "never"
"It makes sense to see that male orgasm is strongly chosen," Wallen said . ".
"If they don't reach the climax, they won't leave future generations.
In turn, women have strong evolutionary options for nipples ---
Varen said their children would die without them.
However, there is no biological effect of nipples in men.
In the analysis of the bonaba data, the researchers must first reconstruct the problem.
Instead of asking, "Do you have an orgasm during sexual intercourse?
They created a "more explicit survey" asking if artificial or oral stimulation was involved.
After analyzing the data of 100 female volunteers aged 18 to 60, they found that about 11% said they always had orgasms during sexual intercourse, and the same number said they never had orgasms.
Since these investigations are anonymous, Warren and Lloyd will be re-investigating now
Ask questions to a new group of women.
Ultimately, they want to design a device that women can use for privacy at home to measure their C-V distance.
If men and women know the reality of their biology, their sexuality may improve, Valen said.
"To my surprise and surprise, both men and women have bought the same cultural model," he said . ".
"If he is a good lover, he can bring me to orgasm with his penis alone.
A man bought this thing without providing any stimulation.
She won't say anything because he's not good, because it hurts.
But Susie Bright, a feminist and sexual columnist for Jezebel.
Com says this study of "abnormalities" in female genitals is "stupid ".
"We need to know how to talk about sex, what it feels like to communicate, don't be afraid," she told abc news . ". com.
"It would be helpful if women knew their penis like men.
She said that, especially among young people, the wrong message and the sense of religious shame prevented many women from enjoying sex.
Guangming also criticized the abstinence program and the reduction of holdings in science courses.
"We should talk about bigger issues, even if this observation has some validity," she said . ".
"It's a small part of a woman who missed the boat.
"I know there is a lot of interest in the female genitals, but that doesn't satisfy the possibility of a female orgasm," Bright said . ".
"Knowing that they are different, they will say, 'Oh my God, what's wrong with my vulva?
"Research scientist Lloyd agrees that the Hollywood and pornography industry has put too much emphasis on the pattern of female sex.
But just trying to change attitudes and telling women "just to relax" may not help them reach their climax.
"These things are worth it," she said . "
"But it's stupid to act as if this is all that women need to do.
This is a complete denial of the facts.
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