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Female Vibrator Sex Toy Question - male vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-08
Female Vibrator Sex Toy Question  -  male vibrator
Hello all.
So, I set up a wordpress site that focuses on a product: a female vibrator sex toy.
This is a simple website with not much content (ie, articles)
Because I think the product itselfexplanatory.
Anyway, I went to BING ads and sent paid traffic to the product and they refused because the keywords I was targeting were considered "too naughty ".
I went to Google advertising. . . same thing. . . .
The key word "too naughty ". So. . . .
Because of these stupid rules, I don't think I can drive paid traffic to my website.
But I really don't want to wait for SEO to step in--
That's why I took the toll route.
I would love to promote this product on porn sites with banner ads, but it's too expensive. Suggestions? Thanks.
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