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Feminist fable or misogynistic nightmare? - how to use a vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-16
Feminist fable or misogynistic nightmare?  -  how to use a vibrator
Is the woman with Ava a necessity?
Even if there is no hair on the head and no meat on the legs, Ava has enough temptation and cunning to become the classic black movie robot vixen.
Although she is a plastic and mesh invention locked in a glass cell, she can easily tie the man up.
Ava is the attractive heroine in fashion science fiction Ex Machina, the evil woman in Revelation
Science fiction thriller "in the near future" by a 44-year-
28 Days Later, the old British wrote "2002 zombie strikes.
Critics disagree about whether "Ex Machina" is a feminist fable or a nightmare of loathing women.
Like violence, Garland has two ways: he has a mocking meditation on the male obsession --
To please a female sex robot while displaying a series of men
Sex robot to please women
Ava, played by Swedish actresses, has a subtle advantage, and it's not just a "basic mode of happiness," as some female reproductions in Blade Runner know.
She has a more powerful wildness than Austin's power female robot's weapon-free breasts. Her Dr.
Frankenstein is a grinding man.
A type called Nathan, played by hypnotists.
Ava asked Nathan coldly, "Is it strange to do something that hates you ? ".
Nathan has a peach.
His company, Caleb's fuzz coder, flew to his hiding place in Alaska to test bent Labor.
Intelligent machines can beat a nerd.
Caleb soon understood that in the great black film Love tradition --
The hit saps, will have a hard time on this Silicon female fat.
Nathan said with great confidence that Ava had a "sensor-focused opening" with a sense of personality and admitted that he had imitated her in Caleb's online porn history.
Garan said it was "tricky" to assign sex to robots because it questioned whether it was an integral part of consciousness and he called Ava's feminine temperament purely external.
But given how much she looks and charm can drive the film, he told me to call Ava "a strange mistake ".
In fact, he admitted to being "a little obsessed" with his creation, and when I asked if we should assume nathan had sex with Ava, he answered "no" too quickly.
He admitted whether the idea would make him jealous of "maybe ".
When asked if he wanted a sex robot, the father of two married children replied: "Can I imagine falling in love with a robot that feels and appeals to me?
But do I want a complex version of the vibrator? No, I don't want it.
Some people may
"I asked if the film would exacerbate the fear of some women who are worried that men prefer porn stars on their phones to girls on their arms.
"What we desire and think we can't have, now we can shape it exactly the way we want it," he said . ".
"The unstoppable feeling is incredibly terrible.
"Ex Machina" arrives at the theater in a series of stories about the rapid development of robotics, from investment
Banker robot, stock selection for spider blueprint
A shape robot that could be a spy or an assassination.
Some people with foresight
Elon Musk and
The warning is that humans will be replaced by robots, which will soon be smart enough to redesign themselves and become smarter.
Garland did not panic because he believed that the advantages of robots were inevitable.
He advised us not to think of robots as our competitors, but as our descendants.
Robot experts call them "children of the mind" and think they will be their species.
Garland talked about everything and will run more smoothly with AI responsible.
Can he imagine an AI president who is more fashionable and less emotional than our current "may have an AI president?
He replied, "it's possible.
Speaking of Ava's erotic preferences programmed to Caleb, I told Garland that it was terrible given Julian assans's desire to reveal our most private communication.
He says he is more worried about secret humans than sentient robots.
The old brother's speech is a metaphor for how technology companies can entice us to reveal our lives.
'I want to know what will end humans first,' he said. 'neither zombies nor robots will ". “We will.
Without any help from zombies or bots, we will manage this perfectly.
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