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Former Formula One Driver Turns Sex Toy Entrepreneur - sex toys for couples

by:KISSTOY     2020-09-06
Former Formula One Driver Turns Sex Toy Entrepreneur  -  sex toys for couples
Former f1 driver Robert donboss took part in a new race: design the best high
Science and Technology toys on the market.
CNET's Max Taves reports at AVN Adult Entertainment fair in Las Vegas, Nevada, 34-year-
The old Dutchman driving for the Jordan Grand Prix and Red Bull race is now looking for his logo to make tactile adult toys
Founder of Amsterdambased Kiiroo.
According to its website, the company sells "next-
Provide a generation of toys for couples far away.
"F1 driver Robert donboss goes from racing to making smart sex toys.
A long time ago, geeks imagined a word in which humans could make a erotic interface through connected devices.
They call it remote voice.
Kiiroo calls it "smart happiness ".
Kiiroo offers a range of network dildonic tools.
For those who want to be together but can't be in the same room, the Onyx device is a male device that interfaces with the Pearl device through a video chat that supports Bluetooth, which is for women
While this mechanism sounds like a mistake to some, Kiiroo claims that its smart sex tool "can facilitate close contact anytime, anywhere.
The toys are black, white and red, and are simple and streamlined in design and are called "luxury goods ".
Kiiroo suggests you "put Onyx on the dresser and make it stand proudly on your coffee table or put it neatly in the drawer.
Kiiroo said, "This is the only interactive masturbation for two people.
Online entertainment on the market ". Confused?
Imagine it as a remote control.
But you can control what happens at the other end.
Technology is the bond that connects you.
The company works with Fleshlight, which produces oil wells.
A known range of male sex toys, powering tools and bringing smart telesex to affordable masses.
"We added the third dimension of touch to the Internet," Doornbos told CNET . ".
It turns out that sex toys with brains are not cheap.
The price of Onyx is $249.
The Pearl costs $149.
The package costs $369.
What about privacy?
After all, you will do it online.
From the website: no partners? No matter.
Onyx syncs with regular porn movies and virtual reality porn movies.
Like you were there. . . but not.
Doornboos was originally a competitive junior tennis player and later turned to racing and then gave up racing as an adult accessory innovator.
The company is located in the red light district of Amsterdam ".
Whether their start-up products will replace the real ones remains to be seen.
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