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Former Shell gas chief's pension doubles to £16.5m - egg jump

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-25
Former Shell gas chief\'s pension doubles to £16.5m  -  egg jump
The pension of the former Royal Dutch Shell head of gas and electricity business doubled last year to nearly $25 million (£16. 5 million)
The oil giant disclosed today.
Linda Cook, who resigned at 51 last year, saw her nest.
Eggs jump from $11
It was $5 million to $24 at the end of 2008.
At the end of 2009, 8 million.
She was also paid $1.
The salary is 4 million dollars.
The 54 million bonus is also $ for 2009 months.
6 million severance pay-
She received a total salary and pension of $35 million. The windfall —
This is one of the largest companies in British company history.
The company released its annual report on the day chief executive Peter Voser cut Shell's layoffs to 7,000.
According to the report, Warther's predecessor, Jerome Van der Ville, left for $34.
2 million pension.
He went home with $4.
9 million of the salary and 2009 of the bonus and Voser earn $ a month. 4 million.
Cook fought for the top post before Voser replaced Van der Ville in last July, and he resigned as executive director in June 1, but did not really leave Shell until New Year's Eve.
As she left, there were reports that some large institutional investors were frustrated with her.
It is thought that they found that her mastery of the business outside of her direct gas business was not impressive.
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