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Foster dad who sexually abused children gets 12 years - vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-08
Foster dad who sexually abused children gets 12 years  -  vibrator
Warning: This story contains a sexual description of a child's crime.
"Rot in hell," a woman shouted in a crowded public gallery as former adoptive parent Kurk MacKay was taken away by the magistrate and started as a 12-
He was sentenced to one year in prison for sexual harassment of the two young children he took care.
On March 9, jury was convicted by a jury of two sexual offences and two sexual offences.
These offences were committed against a boy who lived with Mackay and his wife from the age of 4 to 11.
The 17-year-old boy believes that since he was five years old, the crime took place from 2005 to 2009.
The second victim is seven. year-
Old girls were placed in foster homes in 2008.
After these children, who are not siblings, are no longer with the McKay couple and are placed in other foster families, these offences are exposed.
The two children finally disclosed what happened to the Royal Mounted Police in the West Bank. On Friday, B. C.
Supreme Court judge Brian McKenzie, a father of four married children, an electrician, Department of National Defense, for two six in a row
Annual sentence for each victim.
"I can't imagine a more moral act than a parent would have committed sexual assault on his or her child, especially here, starting from a very young age and repeating over the years, McKenzie said.
In October 2008, the Ministry of Children and Family Development portrayed the Mackay as a model foster family. parent family.
A ministry press release, which is still online, cites the example of McKay and his wife, Nicola, who had trained 16 foster children at the timeParents and families.
In three
During a week's trial, the boy testified that McKay climbed into his bed at night and forced him to have anal sex.
McKay put his hand in the boy's mouth to stop him from crying, he said.
After Mackay left the bedroom, the boy fell asleep crying.
Things have happened more than ten times, he said.
The boy also told the jury that he was forced to perform oral sex on McKay.
He testified that Kurl Mackay threatened him when he told his adoptive mother to abuse him.
The 15-year-old girl was placed in Mackay foster care in 2008.
She described how McKay would have anal sex with her, and as she sat on McKay's lap, she jumped naked on his exposed penis.
She testified that Mackay would have her sit on his lap and show her pornographic images as a prelude to sexual assault on her.
After that, he will tell her how special she is.
She said Mackay hurt her by penetrating her with a vibrator.
McKay, 44, defended himself and denied the crimes.
His wife and one of his daughters testified that he had no chance to commit these crimes. A court-
Ma Kai did not even want to admit his small shortcomings.
"He may blindly not criticize his actions and be insensitive to the negative consequences of his actions and their impact on others," the report said . ".
As McKay continues to deny these crimes, the victim impact statement filed with the court is unable to complete the risk assessment, stating that McKay's crimes have a devastating psychological impact on the victims.
"Society condemns sexual assault on children, especially when children are violated by their parents, who are the only people in the world who should be working on children, McKenzie said.
McKay must provide DNA samples to the authorities.
McKenzie has also banned Mackay for life from looking for a job or becoming a volunteer who trusts or authority in children under 16.
Time colonists.
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